The whole scale issue has been out of hand for so long, I used to belong to a rivet couting club, runs an HO layout to a timetable, full switch lists, car forwarding system ect. I got tired of it. Felt more like a job than having fun with trains. I am sure for many, that is fun, to operate a miniture railroad as close to the prototype as possible. These days to escape the stress of life, I would rather retreat into the garden with my live steam 0-4-0 locomotive, while not a model of any particular prototype, it is a model of a locomotive on my railway. So it is its own prototype, quite cheeky and able to make an ample steam plume. My curves are to tight, checkrailed and ballested with pea gravel. But its my railroad as i see fit. As my friends in the UK say, “Rule 8 applies!” Back to playing with trains, toys, whatever as long as its fun and relaxing!