Hi all, This isn’t what I had planned, the change in plan is entirely the fault of advocates on LSC - thanks guys!!! But the change only concerns the roadbed, all the other lunacies remain in place with more being added as we go. Seriously, all the detailed info with the pros and cons really helped. Which just left the sourcing and the work.
OK someone mentioned that TREX goes like a wet rag in the heat. I clamped the stuff, let it sit for two day and hey… it remains in the intended bend!
On the PVC pipes: I tapered the one end to make it easier to drive. Works very well unless there’s a major obstruction i.e. “who left this %$*&@# rock in the way?” Other than that: …
Gentle curve for an industrial siding - one of the new features - no problem, including a very slight drop away from the mainline.
Yes, I had to get “a few more” of the Quick Clamps. When it comes to money vs convenience … convenience wins!
The coach in the picture is the longest piece of equipment on the railway, there will be a slight rounding off of the corner (near the sledge) since the 5mm clearance isn’t up to regulations (can’t have the “good stuff” be scratched. The tunneling under the stairs provided some interesting moments in order to get smooth flowing track. Of course I could have built it exactly as I had it on the plan, but SWMBO would be less than pleased if I would have skimmed even more of her rose garden. Them’s the pragmatic trade offs. Moving right along towards the location of the tunnels under the waterfall, looks like next week will be slugging time again. Moving lots of rock and aggregate.