Large Scale Central

Industrial Railroads

Ran across these shots of the railway operation at E. B Eddy’s in Hull Quebec. I have never been a fan of the two axle cars and small steam but after seeing these shots might have to add some to my roster. Also have some memory of the large log piles seen behind the diesel.

I like that covered flat car with the diesel. Any more pics of it ? Interesting posting

Great shots. Thanks for posting.

Both Ella and Nettie ended up at the Harold Warp Pioneer Village in Minden Ne. Nettie #912 built in 1888 is #1 shown in this picture.

This photo of Harold Warp Pioneer Village is courtesy of TripAdvisor

This is one of my favorite sites.

Lots of neat rr ideas.

Holy crap! That’s a big stack of pulp wood.

John Bouck said:

Holy crap! That’s a big stack of pulp wood.

And I like the canvas-sided boxcar…

I was wondering if that boxcar had a canvas siding and Bob confirmed it.

Neat photos. A LGB daisy would make a perfect start to one of those tiny locos.

I cant confirm it, but it really does look like some kind of canvas boxcar. I wouldnt think it could be used in any kind of long-haul service, though. Interesting car.

That’s a neat car carrying those pulp laps. (not sure what pulp laps are) Looks like it might be canvas or some other fabric stretched over a frame, built on an old truss-rodded flat car. Definitely only for use around the mill, as you’d never take that out on the mainline. I’ll try to find some more information on it.

Back in 1989 our group had the chance to go on a tour of the INCO railway shops in Sudbury Ont. I’ll have a look if I have some slides, in addition to the video. Video needs to be located and digitized first.

SWMBO on one of her trips to Nova Scotia, came home with a bunch of pictures of an industrial railway remnant. Have to check those, too.

Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia used to have a large steel mill that made rails.

Somewhere between 2000 and 2008 while attending the Celtic Colours Festival we saw some trucks hauling off some of the machinery-it was sad to see.

Google search for images might have some of HJ’s SWMBO’s pics, too

The Toronto Star had an article with a neat sky view of the plant

I like that picture of the 2 Porters. They look so much like the LGB Porters that I have so many of. Since H. K. Porter was just across the river from here, I feel like I should have one, or two, or…five.

Bob McCown said:

I cant confirm it, but it really does look like some kind of canvas boxcar. I wouldnt think it could be used in any kind of long-haul service, though. Interesting car.

Looks like a canvas covered flat car with the post pockets being used to hold up the canvas

There also appears to be additional horizontal and vertical frame pieces. Strong enough for the grab handles to be fastened to,

Great pics! Love those little Porters. Too bad well-meaning people dress up old locos like clowns or something, but at least they’re indoors and not rusting away outside.

Ran across this showing E. B. Eddy’s #2 with what looks like another of the canvas topped boxcars #6.

Modern day center-bulkead open lumber cars can be covered with canvas as well, looks like it’s always been that way.

On #6 car, Notice the brake wheel sticking way up high. I would think that on a canvas covered car ( AKA Tent) that would be pretty well useless. O second look, It might be Ply Wood decked, and covered in canvas to keep it water tight?

I love it. I have fallen in love with these little industrial/mining/logging saddle tank locos. I am starting an 0-4-0 1:20.3 2’ foot that will look very similar to the first two for a micro layout. There is just a ton of character in this little locos. I like the 2 axel cars as I will be modeling them as well. great motivation.