Large Scale Central

Identify this please

Would someone please identify the circled structure? I want to make sure it is what I think it is before I incorporate it into a plan …

Ok. Forget it. I give up. The building is in question is on the right side of my photo. I cannot get the right side of my photos to display any longer. So… I made a new photo of the right side of the old photo, and deleted the one that it wouldn’t show the right side of, reuploaded the new photo of just the right side, and now it won’t delete the old one, or upload the new one.

I don’t need to know that badly. if it’s not an ore bin, it is now.

Good Night!

Offhand, I’d say it’s an “either-or” bin. :slight_smile:



Trying again.

The one on the right, squarish (from the top) with the pointy roof.


There’s still no way to link to it so folks can see the un-chopped off version, as far as I can tell, but you can see most of it here.

I’m guessing an ore bin

I would agree with Bob. You can see the chute at the bottom. I would say they fill the bin by the track above. You can also see just part of the sloping bin on the backside just to the left of the little shack in the front.

This is good. I have a 6x6 post in the middle of my mine area that I need to conceal. That structure appears to be just about right (though, it’ll have a huge monolith sticking out of the top if you look.)


The conveyor brings the ore from the right into the bin. Below it is a chute for loading it into rail cars. Might have been coal. What kind of mine?

So far, “ore” is all i’ve come up with … :slight_smile:

I would agree it is definitely an ore bin. In the West Kootenay area of British Columbia , Canada, there were a lot of these type of structures. Often the ore car would come right out of the tunnel and into the bin. Waste rock was wheeled through the bin, over the trestle on the right and dumped. Most of these were not very long as the ore bins were often on a mountain side. If it was a small mine, there would not be a siding. The mine owner would let the railroad know when the bin was full and the train would bring an empty car, stop and load the ore then continue on it’s way. Some were covered but a lot of them were open. Smaller ones were often built of logs. If the mine was a long way from the ore bin, the larger mines often had aerial trams but the smaller mines would use wagons or pack horses in the summer and in the winter a process called rawhiding, where the sacked ore was put on a cow hide that was laced together to look like a giant sausage and then pulled down the mountain by a horse. Later on they would use trucks in the summer and a wooden sled pulled by a caterpillar tractor in the winter. Transfer from the conveyance to the bin was usually by hand. Most of the mines in this area were silver/lead/zinc. Once on the train the ore would go to a concentrator for processing and then the concentrate would be taken to the smelter for final processing in to its individual components.

So, I guess that you could call it an ore house, then.

Hm. If we equipped the ore house with a red signal to indicate a full and therefore ready to be emptied bin …

My guess would be something like this will be the main loader at the mine … the actual mine tram will dump into a pit that feeds a bucket elevator like the Chama coal tower, or perhaps a bucket conveyor/elevator to fill the bin … if I try to make the mine tram at the top of the bin, it’ll have folks focusing on the beam sticking out of it , and have the tram running near the ceiling!

Your right side certainly isn’t my right side.

Ric Golding said:

Your right side certainly isn’t my right side.

I guess you missed what he said in his first post …

I made a new photo of the right side of the old photo, and deleted the one that it wouldn’t show the right side of, reuploaded the new photo of just the right side, and now it won’t delete the old one, or upload the new one.

Even if it is the old photo, it still isn’t on the right side, but agree with the idea of it being an ore bin, (ended up moving my laptop to the right to put the photo further right.)

Ric Golding said:

Even if it is the old photo, it still isn’t on the right side, but agree with the idea of it being an ore bin, (ended up moving my laptop to the right to put the photo further right.)

I give up. You are incorrigible!

Thank you. I haven’t been labeled all day. I’ll wear it with pride. :slight_smile:

Ric Golding said:

Even if it is the old photo, it still isn’t on the right side, but agree with the idea of it being an ore bin, (ended up moving my laptop to the right to put the photo further right.)

I just veiwed it from the back of my PC. :wink:

Did that work? I tried looking at it in a mirror, but then the words were backwards. Felt like Rooster, not being able to read.