Large Scale Central

I finally started

David Marconi said:

What natural bridge? The root in Deep Cut ?


These pictures are really old :smiley:

Goading is good. Acts as a motivator to get your butt out and do something…at least that’s what works for me. Spent a few years just thinkin about re-doing my layout and when the tie retaining wall got so bad it looked like it would fall over, finally figgered it was time. Then spent a few more years thinkin about when and where to expand the layout and watching Jon’s thread about his got me started in that direction. And since my first layout was mostly a trial and error type thing, it taught me a few lessons. What works and what doesn’t in this neck of the woods. Sometimes that method works better than any advice you recieve. Then again the area where the old layout was needed sprucing up badly, so getting something done that looked good was a big motivator. I haven’t even come close to finishing the second phase and I’m already thinking about how and where to do the third phase. But that’s all part of the fun…:wink: 1988:






Jon that’s the one. First pic I saw of it was from the other dirrection and thought it was a tunnel exit. Found out later you had dug under a root you couldn’t remove and really liked the result.

Ken your’s is looking great with the new exspansion. Fortunately my grass isn’t that thick where i’m working, but the ivy roots are a PITA.
And that pic reminds me I need to get some tubing to go in or along side the ballast so I can run power to my buildings.
Once I get the roof on and I’m ready to shingle it I’ll post pics of my first build as constructed. That way you guys will think I can build as fast as some of you,and you won’t know I’ve already been at it for a month.

OK, then to answer your question - Yes - the root and the cut are still there, but have changed a lot over the years. I can’t find a good recent shot on-line, but these from early spring 2008 show some of the updates…



Those are both before you put in walk landing, right? I’m surprised the cut holds up so well as anytime I try to cut a straight down trench around here the sides collapse.

Like I wasn’t…actually we have been doing a bit a bashing back and forth and all is good but perhaps a bit of explaining is needed. This is an incredible hobby and I have learned soooo much in a short period of time. Like stated before, I joined like 9yrs ago, read a lot and learned from chat but never really posted(look at the member list) when I was ready to post I forgot my password and the e-mail response from LSC was jibberish so I re-joined.
When I started my line in 2006 I felt like I was armed with the knowledge I needed. I have learned sooooo much more over the past few years and try to share where I can. Dave M and myself chat frequently and he enlightens me on his experiences as I do with him. This is what makes the hobby all good and I love his large passenger consist as I don’t have one that size!
The internet can be intimidating as to what is seen, however I’m more interested as to what is learned and I cannot help I don’t quit as a building machine! I want a RR I can maintain at Dave’s age not build one! I’m fortunate at my age and quite gifted (not being sarcastic) so take that ability and use it to your potential which is what Dave is doing. He just needed a push!
Here is the only link that I have to early years and most are scanned images that state 07 but they are actually 06 as I put them up a year later.
Any objections to this post Dave as this is your thread!
I need money wired ASAP!

I’ll object sometime next year if I think about it. Never have a problem with thread postings any and all are welcome. Thanks for the post actually
With a track plan no matter how basic those pics are the type of thing I’m talking about for a new forum section. Anybodys track plan, construction photos help,and the members who are trying to figure out what they want to do, or looking for improvements, can go and find nothing but track plans posted. Any responses can be placed under the track forum.
That said you should start a new thread with that link and updated pics for what it has grown to.

PS I put Andys’ two cents in your piggy bank for you

David Marconi said:
Those are both before you put in walk landing, right? I'm surprised the cut holds up so well as anytime I try to cut a straight down trench around here the sides collapse.
Yes, and yes. The cut has been there for a long time, going on 6 years. The first picture was probably from Summer 2003. Part of what helps it to hang in there is both the roots from the pine trees and the protection from rain they offer. Each spring I shovel out at least a wheelbarrow full of dirt that has fallen in. The very top is close to original width, but at the bottom it is much wider than when first shoveled out.

When I first dug it most everyone said it would collapse, and that I should build a tunnel and cover it, or open the sides to a maintainable slope. Only Ric offered a reasonable suggestion: Let nature take it’s course. So far that has worked just fine :smiley:

But enough about me - How’s the track work coming? Weather has been awesome :smiley:

Your progress looks great! I have successfully used old roofing material, both shingles and roll roofing, under landscaping rock. Once you get the track down, you can see the progress, pitfalls and set backs. All the talk of going back is just track maintenance or realignment. We have a rail line 2 blocks from our house that has been there since 1857, they are still trying to get and keep it right, so you have a prototypical reference. :wink:

Although I’ve failed to take pics so far, yesterday I was able to get to the 3/4 point. This mainly because the section I worked on was scrape and go. If you look at the pics I think the first shows an area to the left of the screenroom with track layed over a trough. This is the last quarter of the loop and also the area that will take the most work.
I’ll start shortly and try to finish grading the loop today and get some updated pics. Once thats done I’ll go back around the loop and do some screw removal,soldering, and clamping. Hopefully connect some power to it next week and get the first loop running.
If all that goes well I’ll start the second loop and follow my own advice by drawing a simple track plan to post.
Yesteday my CRS kicked in, in the midst of my work, and the question I had went bye bye. Maybe it will return today and I’ll write it down before it goes away.

Personally I’m glad you left the cut there as it’s a not often modeled use of natural obstacles. Seems most would build a hill for a tunnel instead of modeling a cut that the railroads would have preferred. Both have visual appeal but one is a lot cheaper to build.And with just a small amount of ground cover quite often you can have both with out the problems a tunnel seems to create i.e. access.

Dave I hope I didn’t make you feel like an explanation was needed. I think your work is great along with your attitude.That you build both quick and easy structures and more elaborate buildings is admirable. Maybe I’m wrong in this assumption, but I spent years on indoor H-O layouts and building before I decided on G, whereas it’s seems to me you started early on G for whatever reasons. Wondering thoughts sure make a terrible paragraph.



Are you keeping up with Bart’s progress on his railroad?

Many of us have documented major changes and trackplans in the Articles section of this site. It is a good place to keep a running documentary of what is being done and it doesn’t get lost as time passes.

Ric, I’m doing my best to keep up with everybodies work. I enjoy seeing what everyone is doing and how they solve the problems. Just like I followed your rebuild of the “timesaver” and now Bruces’ build. I learn a lot from the contributions.


I had real good intentions of documenting my entire process in an article. Got the first part started and then got side tracked. Maybe if there is some slow time at work this fall / winter I can start adding to it.

David Marconi said:
Dave I hope I didn’t make you feel like an explanation was needed. I think your work is great along with your attitude.That you build both quick and easy structures and more elaborate buildings is admirable. Maybe I’m wrong in this assumption, but I spent years on indoor H-O layouts and building before I decided on G, whereas it’s seems to me you started early on G for whatever reasons. Wondering thoughts sure make a terrible paragraph. Dave

As for the starting line in that paragraph…You didn’t…but you did make dad yell at me which hurt my feelings! Somewhere I have a picture of me in like 1975 or 76 with my first Lionel set under the Christmas tree. What were you guys thinking about in 1975 or 76 as I was thinking model trains?? “Bicentennial Boobies Possibly”?? “I SURVIVED TMI IN 79” :stuck_out_tongue: It was HO for me since about 1981/82, I thought I told you I jumped to G when the boy was born 9yrs ago? I don’t think I’ll ever go back to HO but I still have quite a bit of it and odd ball stuff like Penn Central Alco’s(528’s sound right?) which I still love. Thanks now I gotta go did them out. I think I still have a section of an HO layout that I built in the attic here. It’s all good Dave :wink: Now review this shot and note that It’s really a garden RR as it was built around such. It has also become my own personal puzzle and a mountain of fun when time allows!


I also think this would make a pretty bitchin avatar for you minus the house tap to the left. Jon R…can probably photoshop that out for ya’ considering you wanted to improve on his Cigar Store? What details are missing on that era consist Jon as I wouldn’t know? :slight_smile:


Prejudicial opinion here but I think thats a fine looking photo

Five days of part time work and I think I’ve got the area fairly flat in the right of way. Spent one day digging an area of fill I’ve been building up for the railroad,and didn’t get a layer of soil on.Not really that bad, but in order to get it usuable I had to spend another afternoon siftting the soil to get out the shale.
At first I was a little miffed for not getting the soil I needed, but as I worked I realized that with a large screen grid I’d be able to sift out useable ballast. So it’s off for a larger grid screen.
That will be later this week as tomorrow I start connectting track to get running.

I posted a few more pictures yesterday. They’re here

Thanks for looking. Any suggestions appreciated

The link won’t take me to the pictures.
Photobucket wants me to join to look at them.

Ralph Berg said:
The link won't take me to the pictures. Photobucket wants me to join to look at them. Ralph
Did that for me too. I just went to his first post and hit that link.............

Try this guys I for see some great shots here in the near future! Keep up the good work! :wink:


Fixed the link