Large Scale Central

I finally started

Finally started laying track this past weekend. Some members goaded me into it. Once I get the track cut in I’ll go back and lay roof shingles for now as I can’t afford much more. Not doing everything I should do but it will have to do for now.
For those who would like a look see the pictures are here

Dave :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Nice Start, DavidM… looks like it will have a good run, and a nice area to run in…

BTW, Nice dog… :slight_smile:

Andy Clarke said:
Nice Start, DavidM... looks like it will have a good run, and a nice area to run in....

BTW, Nice dog… :slight_smile:

Nice work David. Are you using flex on the curves and what radius are you working with? Leveling to grade, what did you use?



Putting down track is great progress. Looking good.

You should get the guy who’s always reminding us how young he is to do the hard labor :slight_smile:

Ralph Berg said:
Cool. You should get the guy who's always reminding us how young he is to do the hard labor :) Ralph
Bruce? Andy? Wait you mean Ric! He lays track for his buddies! Actually come to think of it spend to much time behind the keyboard so why not get out this fall and help an ole' guy out! ;)
David Marconi said:
Finally started laying track this past weekend. Some members goaded me into it. Once I get the track cut in I'll go back and lay roof shingles for now as I can't afford much more. Not doing everything I should do but it will have to do for now. For those who would like a look see the pictures are here

Dave :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I’m excited about this!(rubbing hands together)
Shingles …good idea!

Thanks everyone

Gavin, Mix of track. Mostly Aristo and AML, with some USA. Curves are Aristo 10’, 11.5’, 15’, and 20’ mixed as needed.
Leveling so far has been shovel to 8" and then deroot the soil.

Ralph, I’ll have to look around to see if I can find the young guy that can keep up with us " Old Farts"


Great going Dave! That’s good news indeed. From the look of the four legged resident though I think you may be infringing on his “bone burying territory”. :slight_smile:


I’m definitely doing the tire swing! :wink:

David Marconi said:
Thanks everyone

Gavin, Mix of track. Mostly Aristo and AML, with some USA. Curves are Aristo 10’, 11.5’, 15’, and 20’ mixed as needed.
Leveling so far has been shovel to 8" and then deroot the soil.

Ralph, I’ll have to look around to see if I can find the young guy that can keep up with us " Old Farts"


Brute work Dave and well done. I really like that screen room which I suspect will become command central.

You deserve a young assistant. I suspect that some are being offered to you as this thread progresses… :slight_smile:


That 4 legger there is my able bodied assistant, who goes all over the yard with me. Names ‘Storm’

Screen room is going to be added to and restyled as a station, with the bottom half covered so I can add covered storage

I love it when great plans come together.

Enjoy the fruits of your work. Please share progress.


David Russell said:
Actually come to think of it spend to much time behind the keyboard so why not get out this fall and help an ole' guy out! ;)
Now I know what you're doing wrong.........I spend time in front of the keyboard. My iced tea sits behind my keyboard ;) Ralph

It’s always good to see track being laid.
Can you teach the dog to dig an 8" trench? Our wolf-shepard buried some of my track the other day. The only trenching he did was near the track!


I’ve been thinking about a couple of lines you typed, way back up in your first entry…

You typed : ““Some members goaded me into it. Once I get the track cut in I’ll go back and lay roof shingles for now as I can’t afford much more. Not doing everything I should do but it will have to do for now.””

It’s your railroad, and your timing to do what you want to do and when… I think the last thing you’d want to do, would be to put in something temporary, that didn’t work right, and then get frustrated with the whole thing…

I have a lot of things I want to get done to mine, but can only do so much at a time… When I do work on it, I want to get it as right as I can, the first time, so I don’t have to go back and tear things out, and redo them… If I had to keep going back, and tearing things out and redoing them, I think it would be a huge turnoff for the hobby to me…

As I said earlier, I applaud your work, but do it when and because you want to do it, not because your being goaded in to do something…

Just my 2 cents worth… :slight_smile:

PS: but keep us updated, as Gavin said…

I can certainly understand Andy’s point of view, but personally I’m a ‘just do it’ kind of guy. Rebuilding and correcting mistakes are part of the process and the fun for me. But that’s probably why in 8 years I’ve only got a couple of hundred feet in Vs the huge progress Andy has made in a few years. My first attempt was a very basic circle using winter road grit as ballast…




I think what you’ve got going on looks great. Can’t wait to see some trains on the track.

I really would not think “goading into it” but rather “motivated” to make the plunge.

I myself needs to be “motivated” which is what happened with my original plunge into outdoor trackage.

My cheer leaders were those who shared the passion. Even my family was “motivating” me to “do somthing”

NO regrets… :slight_smile:

As said, I see so much potential in your layout Dave. “Make it happen”


Andy, I’ve been collecting LS trains for about 15+ years. Had an indoor pike when I lived in Baltimore that was 23’ x 12’. That was up for three years before I moved to York. Been here 8 years working on life with no time for me, and everybody else coming first.
I attended the ECLSTS for years.The last two years to start associating with fellow modelers, and finally got to meeet some of the fine fellows here, yourself among them.
I have haunted the forums for about 5 years and finally chimed in and recieved a hearty welcome.Thinking of the day I could finally start my road. Watching others achieve their first railroad with bare minimums and saying someday. Watching you, Bruce, Vic, Richard Smith, Jon Radder, and others creating some wonderful works goaded me.
Being invited to run at Dave Russels’ place and seeing my stuff run goaded me.
Take the goading as a personal way of doing what I want to do but wanted to make sure I got it right before I started.
Had to realize I’m not going to get my dream layout that will take more than 1000’ of track but I have a start. Temporary to be sure as I don’t have a full plan just a known destination.As I have seen in most others the original doesn’t quite make it or a little tweeking improves the road.
I’ll be able to add from where I am, and I’ll have to raise it up in the future, but if I wait till I can afford to raise it up it might be a few years. Framework for just 200’ gets a little costly so I’ll get it over time.
Maybe I should have worded my opening differant but the goading was wanted “kind of a kick in the a**” putting in what I have though not what I want won’t put me off with the hobby and it keeps me out of SWMBO’eds way.
I really appreciate the train of thought and understand your view, with all your putting in I wouldn’t want to tear it out either .

Jon I remember when you showed your plot along side the house with the wood retaining wall that you’ve redone and when I first saw your road I didn’t realize how far your line actually went. Still got the natural bridge?

That’s one thing I’d like to see so Bob if your listening how about a forum for posting track layouts? No comments on the forum just this is what I have for reference and we can comment on the plans in the track forum. That way we’d have a wealth of ideas to go through to create our own.


When you explain it that way, I understand it it a lot better… You use goaded as another form/term for motivation… Wish you all the luck with your layout, and like the rest, am anticipating your updates… :slight_smile: