Large Scale Central

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Idaho a few years back changed its laws. You can now legally take home road kill. You don’t even have to be the one to have run it over. I regret to this day not answering my daughters call. She was coming home late one night and was stopped by a cop because there was an accident. A guy hit a bull moose. Cop asked her if she wanted it and she called me. It was 2 am. I said no. Big mistake. 600 pounds of moose meat would have been yummy

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When i was a serious hunter me and my 3 best friends spent 10 days hunting elk. Part of our ritual was collecting “camp meat”. Grouse, a deer, and if lucky some elk meat. We saved it all up and one night we would feast on camp meat. Generally made with Thai recipes but sometimes we made camp meat Mexican. I miss those days. Nothing better than cashew grouse, deer panang, and sate elk.

Once i made chopped elk bolognese with hand pulled pasta noodles. We ate good at elk camp

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In PA the ruffed grouse is the state bird. I used to hunt them all the time with a friend of mine. My friends daughter was in elementary school at the time and she decided to do a report on her dad and his friend hunting grouse. All went well until the class smarty pants stood up and yelled." Oh my gosh your dad and his friend shot the state bird now they are going to prison" !
She was very upset but still got an A on her report.