Large Scale Central

How's it going

Hi guys and gals. Not dead nor in any way afflicted. No way I can catch up on all I’ve missed. I am alive and well and hope everyone else is too. Just very distracted with life. Nothing bad. All is great just that trains are not a priority. But hope to make a return to modeling.

Anyway just wanted to say hi.


I still owe some summer adventure pics.

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And an explanation as to why !:joy:, or not , as long as things are doing well it all that matters, no new holes or surgical scars is always a good thing!

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When he returns back into LSC he’s gonna end up with both!

That deserves a :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nice to see yr still alive Devon.

Just to mess with ya, daylight saving has just started, temps are rising and spring is well under way.


No Neil, daylight savings has ended and temps are falling. Water is rising and leaves are falling. :smiley: :sunglasses:

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No, temps have not fallen, the trees have fallen, it’s still over 110 way too late in the season, at 6pm here and still it’s 108 6 weeks away from club meeting here and the layout is a shambles

2018 when I built the layout
after mold invaded and killed the twin to this tree
and after 2 they were removed.

I love this desert scene, Pete.

Similarly, we were in a panic as our club was trekking across the continent visiting non-Sydney members layouts, and we were the last stop on the trek. We had nothing up and running, but had a garden with buildings to present.

I think they were just so exhausted by the long haul, that they kindly hung around sharing stories and advice. However, they were not in a rush to leave. Just getting together to share our hobby passions and ideas was fantastic.

Hopefully it will cool down in time for you. I suspect everyone will be happy to gather at your place regardless.

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Lol so wife and I went on a final camping trip. . . Well maybe as far as she is concerned. Sunny and 50 during the day and barely above freezing at night. There is no better thing in life than being bundled up by a campfire in the fall in N. Iowa cooking something dead on a stick over the fire. I made several Dutch oven meals. The best was a Mediterranean inspired chicken thigh meal with roasted peppers, sun dried tomatoes and enough garlic to kill a vampire. I love campfire cooking

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Devon, that right there is the cookbook you’ll retire on.

Either that or the makings of a top 10 country western song. It’ll beat out “Honey I wanna check you for ticks.”

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There is a fine line between a chic with a tick and a chick with a tic. . . Lol

Words have meaning. . . And can use what ever words make you happy. But the end of the day you can’t talk politics, religion, or moral aptitude if your mouth is full of good eats. I win. No faking good eats

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God forbid you encounter a chick with a tick. I might even pass on eating that.

Son wants to learn to hunt. New revelation. Up til now no interest. But politics aside he sees a need for the skill. So I am back to being a hunter.

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I can’t disagree i miss cashew grouse and deer panag.

Better update the Cooking fun Foods thread while you’re at it. It has you listed as a gatherer. :laughing:

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I’ve not heard the term before, but I’d guess it’s not something you’d pick up and eat…


I believe it is very much like roo panang, the sound heard in the car after the roo freezes in the headlights.


When we lived in Broken Hill we heard that noise 32 times over 12 years.

Fresh road kill is often acceptable source of protein. Generally quite cost effective assuming your deductible is reasonable.

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Next year when we go out looking for more mines, I’m gonna bring you along as camp cook. Pays good… :grinning: :smiley:

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