Large Scale Central

How do we all face ourselves in the mirror?

Right folks ,
I thought long and hard before posting this , but I am prompted by some of the more shrill idiots writing in news media and broadcasting the same drivel .
Your President vowed to serve God .
He does it the way he sees .
So does the leader of most Muslim countries .
So why knock your President and not the Muslim leaders ?
Come on , stop being hypocritical .
Call a spade a spade , or is that racist as well ?


I don’t think many of us have trouble looking in the mirror, though that guy does look older than I feel. But I certainly don’t pay much attention to most of the media broadcasting or news stories on TV, radio or in print. And I absolutely don’t consider them experts or what they say to be the truth. I appreciate our President, the military and the people working hard to protect us. I have a great amount of disgust for most of the U.S. Congress, our entire Judicial System and people in our extended (certainly not higher) educational system. I consider most of them to be just “the current bullies in charge”. Pounding their own chests and thinking that someone thinks they are important. Some times you are forced to listen, but you sure don’t have to pay attention.

Nicely put , Ric , I am glad to see that sanity prevails in some parts .

Ric Golding said:

I don’t think many of us have trouble looking in the mirror, though that guy does look older than I feel. But I certainly don’t pay much attention to most of the media broadcasting or news stories on TV, radio or in print. And I absolutely don’t consider them experts or what they say to be the truth. I appreciate our President, the military and the people working hard to protect us. I have a great amount of disgust for most of the U.S. Congress, our entire Judicial System and people in our extended (certainly not higher) educational system. I consider most of them to be just “the current bullies in charge”. Pounding their own chests and thinking that someone thinks they are important. Some times you are forced to listen, but you sure don’t have to pay attention.

Yeah, what he said…!

I don’t look in the mirror anymore.
'Cause all I see reflected back is some old, grizzled, grey haired fart. It’s depressing.
Seems you lose your youth overnight. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
As to the other crap in Wash DC, I ignore it all. I don’t need the added stress to go along with the above
mirrored image.

I do see the Muslim religion being misused and since they seem to like to kill innocent people but no where is it written to do so, religion is just a facade ! A big difference don’t you think ? Like apples and oranges !!

Hey I didn’t vote for GW but I think he was the lessor of two evils. Try saying that in some country’s about their leaders and you just might be missing something from the neck up !!!

Time to go play with my toys, errr trains…Ya that’s it…

I come to this forum to read and talk about LS model trains.

Not politics.

I accept that averyone is entitled to their opinions but surely we get enough of that in the everyday media?

Tony ,
Why don’t you just ignore it if you don’t like it ? How many people do you meet in the course of a day to talk to ?
I see people on Saturdays in the shops and that’s it . I left the other forum because of comments like that ,remember. Them and other things all add up .

Tony’s quite right… This is going down the wrong path so I’m moving on and looking forward to our hobby that we all have in common… Model trains.


Neither of you are right , the statement opening this was not political . It was a considered opinion of how certain groups of supposed American patriots are slagging off their own country via the President . Now if you want to turn that into politics , that’s your problem . I was just letting responsible people know how it is seen in the country of your greatest ally . Right ?
So don’t be pompous .


I do understand your position as far as lack of mobility and therefore diminished chances of meeting people on a daily basis.

I would respectfully suggest that if you wish to raise what are likely to be controversial issues centered around political opinions you do so at forums that have been set up specifically for that purpose.

Obviously Bob has the final say in the matter. Not me.

However, please allow me this purely business based observation.

This is a LS train forum and as such biased opinions one way or the other will always alienate 50% or more of the potential visitors to this site.

Just as an FYI, I’ve been meaning to contact Bob about this…

On one of my Submarine Veterans Forums ig got so bad he shut off all political discussion.

That created more furor, so he came up with Political Fridays.
Only time you can discuss it.

I stay away from that forum on Fridays…

I still maintain that the observation is not political ,and certainly was not so intended .
I do not live in the USA . I do not vote there . I am truly trying to tell you how things are seen from over here .
You are not insular , are you ?
As for comments made on the site , I think I contribute quite a bit to the modelling side . Other people talk of nights of gunslinging , drinking , whatever . Tell them to pack it in .
No , don’t , because I happen to enjoy it .
Tea , anyone ?

ps I’m off to sleep

Mike Morgan said:
Right folks , I thought long and hard before posting this , but I am prompted by some of the more shrill idiots writing in news media and broadcasting the same drivel . Your President vowed to serve God . He does it the way he sees . So does the leader of most Muslim countries . So why knock your President and not the Muslim leaders ? Come on , stop being hypocritical . Call a spade a spade , or is that racist as well ? Mike
I got lost on the first post. I think. I'll let you know.

It is a sport here to knock the Pres. Any Pres, of either party. There are some whose only political philosophy is to hate “W.” Sad, but there it is. We generally ignore them as being idiots.


Mike Morgan said:
Right folks , I thought long and hard before posting this , but I am prompted by some of the more shrill idiots writing in news media and broadcasting the same drivel . Your President vowed to serve God . He does it the way he sees . So does the leader of most Muslim countries . So why knock your President and not the Muslim leaders ? Come on , stop being hypocritical . Call a spade a spade , or is that racist as well ? Mike
This is not only political rhetoric, but it is also incorrect. The president doesn't vow to serve god. Do you remember reading of separation of church and state?

Each president recites the following oath, in accordance with Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Can we keep to (mostly) trains and keep the political flame wars somewhere else, please?

I’m going to try and answer the topic rather than the initial postings. How do I look at myself in the mirror? Quite easily thank you. I firmly support the President. I may not always agree with his politics (especially the last one that was in office) but I will ALWAYS support him! Please don’t make the mistake of equating what the media portrays as “the will of the people”!!
As far as how the “rest of the world” sees us, considering all of the under-the-table deals and shenanigans that have come to light, I figure that there’s enough crap being slung that nobody is lilly-white! If the United Nations adopted the USA’s stance on terrorism (and meant it!) and presented a united front, then something probably would get done. As it is, we (meaning the USA and coalition partners) have just about done everything that can be done. Now, we support our troops and that means we support the Commander-In-Chief of those forces as well.
That’s my philosophy. I am comforted by my President’s belief in God and it’s accompanying Christian moral values and the fact that he practices what he professes. If this be hypocracy then make the most of it!

Okay, okay…quack quack! Back to trains! (I started to compose but didn’t post my response until after you had posted the ducks or I wouldn’t have bothered. Sorry.)

uuuummmmmm… ducks… good gumbo… :wink:

Thank you Bob.