Large Scale Central

Hi, my name is Aaron, and I am a train addict

OMG! Rooster!

Risk of Intestinal flying monkeys, there is?!

…and you promised the only “real risk to Amtrak use”, was people might notice residual standard gauge “track marks” on my arm!

…clearly Cliff, Korm and others in the Bobiverse have common (and presumably significant) knowledge about the side effects of Amtrak.

To answer your question a few posts back…

Not really sweeping curves 4.5 diameter is my minimum radii. But I can tell you how to whore up some store bought stuff ! I just love those Chinese made ( or so I’m told) LGB Genesis loco’s

However you can always change up train combinations along with moving bridges and buildings around on your,you’re pike/layout for photo or video OPERATIONS going roundy round or however you choose to ENJOY the HOBBY !

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