Large Scale Central

Hey Ric, now I know what you mean

:stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:


The Guv’nor had to be stopped before he did sumpin stupid and got “The One” involved.

Brings to mind some more questions.

Wonder how much the Kennedy’s will have to pay to get Caroline appointed to Hillary’s senate seat?

And then Ted’s seat will probably soon be up for sale.

Great business to be in, especially considering that the rest of are sucking eggs these days.

Happy RRing,


Steve Featherkile said:

The Guv’nor had to be stopped before he did sumpin stupid and got “The One” involved.

They have the Governor on tape, trashing Obama.
This kind of thing goes on all over. The Governor was not wrong when he said “you just don’t give Senate seats away”.
Most of these deals are brokered without the FBI listening.
But it does seem the Governor was more brazen and foolish then the average politician.

And, there is your insight to Chicago politics…

He would gets the most money from bribes, wins…
hehehe, providing he don’t get caught…

The local news is saying that if this wasn’t brought to light it would be considered that Illinois politics was corrupt. Hello - What rock was that person living under? It was also said that anybody he appointed would always give the impression that the Senate was “tainted”. Is there anyone in this Country that doesn’t think the Senate is already a corrupt cesspool of old politicians? How come there is no outrage over Kenndy buying Hillary’s carpet bagging seat? There are people that really need to grow up.

BHO is now denying that he has never been in the City of Chicago and can’t even pronounce that guy’s name.

You guys have seen nothing, yet. :wink:

They wanted change, they are going to get change.

Since 1965, 5 Illinois Governor’s have been brought up on charges.

Hasnt this guy been under investigation for like 5 years? On the radio today they were saying that several close to him already have been convicted, seams to border on the ludicrously stupid that this guy would keep to the “business as usual” politicing while it was clear to everyone in the city that his backside was under a microscope…BTW apparently his approval rate is only a whoping 13% sounds like no one is going to miss him :open_mouth:

"BTW apparently his approval rate is only a whoping 13% sounds like no one is going to miss him.

Miss who? Is somebody gone? We’ve got at least 5 very talented crooks ready to take up the job and position.

That’s how we do politics here in Illinois!

I’d seriously question the intelligence of the 13% that approve of him.

TonyWalsham said:
I'd seriously question the intelligence of the 13% that approve of him.
That's the 13% on the gravy train with him. Ralph
TonyWalsham said:
I'd seriously question the intelligence of the 13% that approve of him.
So do we. They all live in Chicago, except for a couple of them that are now moving to Washington, DC. Some have new addresses in State or Federal Facillities. But with their BHO in the big seat, Christmas presents may be pardons. Been this way for years, they've just now gone National. If you want a good read, try "Boss" by Mike Royko.
Ralph Berg said:
TonyWalsham said:
I'd seriously question the intelligence of the 13% that approve of him.
That's the 13% on the gravy train with him. Ralph
Close family members and staff... :D

I hear that BHO will be issuing pardons on day one, rather than waiting for the last day, as is traditional.

Did I say that out loud?


Is this the crisis that Joe, the Amtrak Rider mentioned?

I better quit before someone knocks on the door.

Hey Steve, in your case they wouldn’t knock, they’d just beam you up. Fizzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

The “Political Talking Point for the day” is that this is a sad day for politics in Illinois. All the politicians are saying this because they fear the people may eventually have enough. Not likely.

Ric Golding said:
The "Political Talking Point for the day" is that this is a sad day for politics in Illinois. All the politicians are saying this because they fear the people may eventually have enough. Not likely.
Enough? Not yet. I don't have my share!!!!! ;)

Just remember ‘they are watching and listening’ so be very careful of what you say, remember the " Internal Security Force" is that KGB? Opps


Today is very intersting here in the cesspool. All of a sudden nobody can even pronouce the governor’s name and everyone is saying they knew he was corrupt. JJjr feels his chance at buying the office is exposed and our great senior senator Turbin Durbin says we must protect the integrity of the office. He does live in a dream World. We have a Chamber Meeting with 2 of the State Senators and Representatives tomorrow night. Should be a hoot.

BHO’s excuse is that he was out of the State for most of the last couple of years campaigning, so he had no idea there was a problem or concern. However his staff is quickly back peddling about a meeting they had with Blago about who should fill the position. "

Welcome here my friends to the show that never ends, we’re so glad you could attend, step inside, step inside."