Hey Dennis, I agree, no way on the scroll saw! I tried that foam model, and that was tough enough; but no precision and messy. And I agree, all that design & layout time, but the cutting was easy. I only spent about 5 minutes loading per sheet, and did other things during the actual cutting. I appreciate your viewing and comments!
Thanks Chris, it sure was a big pile. Almost too big to get a handle on. So the first thing I did this morning was to organize it into manageable smaller piles, representing core (on the left) and roof (on the right) structures for the four modules.

Then I began dry-fitting module #4, the ore bin. And the wall tabs would not fit into the base! After quite some time sanding and grinding, I got them together, worrying if all other fits would face the same mistake. On the other hand, I’d slightly increased the gap distance from my first laser building model, and that one went together fine. I was very puzzled.
However, all the rest of #4’s parts went together great; and so did #3’s. So it was an issue apparently with just the base panel of #4. Maybe I’d gotten the laser focus off on that sheet.
Here’s those 2 modules dry-fitted.

I’ve explained the blue thing before, but probably should again here. I got this material at half price from the local plastics vendor, after asking “What do you need to get rid of, in 3/16 inch thickness?” Answer: “Well, I have four sheets of this blue that no one wants…” Done deal! But what I didn’t consider then was light blocking; and in my test building project I had to spray the interior black. The paint didn’t seem to adhere well though. So this time, I pre-sanded the acrylic, and will shoot the interior with plastic primer and then black. Window glazing will go in with the windows, after the sheathing is done.
Long story short: next time I’ll pay full price for opaque black acrylic. More expensive than clear, but the sanding & painting steps are done away with. I might even consider using 1/4" through-colored material, and engrave the boards directly (vs. the .03 adhered sheathing). But THAT would be really expensive, especially with the shipping. But for now, I’m using what I’ve committed to for this project.
Tomorrow I hope to fit up the big modules. There may be additional slottage issues, who knows. But once I get through that I’ll put the modules on the layout for grins.