Thanks, my friends! I sure appreciate your encouragement!
I did about 3 hours of rehearsal / editing last evening, and am feeling better about all the prep.
Today was my exploration day, visiting the site (now with proper permission), taking pics, getting dirty, etc. My friends in Nevada had been there last February and April, but it was great to see the little bin and shed remains for myself, and also those of the tramway trestle – which are original Comstock structures. Really neat.
Also had a good chat this evening with the owner of the Combination Shaft, that huge landmark mine on the other side of the valley from Virginia City.
Doing final lecture editing this evening, slightly tweaking the text and my brain based on my observations this morning. But just like last year, I saw more important stuff, but can only bite my tongue, photo-doc it, and punt till a later time. And keep focused on this program.
Tomorrow is the big day… probably do a museum, change hotels, final rehearsal, and then the lecture at 7:00 pm.
Yee haw!