How in the world does that happen?
Great discussion!
I’ll describe my experience, if that’s ok. On a project where I’m trying hard to be prototypical, I have a hard time dismissing features or dimensions I’d overlooked in the first build, if they were within my intended “scope.” And I’ll feel compelled to correct it.
But sometimes, going into a project, I know darn well that I’ll be only able to go so far, like make suggestions of this or that, and call it a day. And maybe apologize in advance that that’s what I’ll be doing, haha! Conflicted sometimes…
But, ultimately, if one is modeling something to scale, one has to draw the line somewhere. Like, what size of screw will have threads showing. How realistic will the hair and clothing be on characters. Will the wood grain be accurate for the stated species of wood. Or will the composition of mortar be real or painted. Or will the tree branches have the proper average number of leaves or needles seen in nature.
I’m making very absurd examples, only to make the point that it’s a matter not of if one draws the line on faithful miniaturization or replication of detail, but where.
For me at least, this has been a liberating realization. I get to pick the where. And that selection should be driven by the intersection between the detail vs. time line, and the fun line. If that makes any sense…
Just my crazy thoughts, FWIW.