Large Scale Central

Snow Dozer Build

Ric Golding said:

Fantastic attention to detail! Thanks for sharing. The prototype never had a cracked window?

I ended up tearing the front out and am reworking it all… That’s partially why I’m trying to finish the interior, as the control stand butts up to the front window frames.

Burl Rice said:

The paint really makes it pop. You’ll want to build another one when you get done!

The paint does help a lot, and the weathering is fun too. I’ve been thinking that maybe the brass version will be built slowly while working on other projects. Say maybe a side wing here, front cage here, etc.

After reading about the baking soda and paint trick to make mud on military models, I thought my snow plow needed a touch of mud on the interior walkways. After all, if its snowing in the mountains, its probably raining in the lowlands where the plow is stored.

I took some old Polly Scale mud color mixed in some baking soda and stirred. The mixture turned out pretty good looking, so I stippled some around.

After the mud had been wiped off, so it just stayed in the wood grooves, I applied another layer right around where I’m going to have an open door, and a MOW guy standing. I then sprinkled the mud with more baking soda and blew the excess off to create the illusion of melting snow.

Looking good Craig.

Chris Kieffer said:

Looking good Craig.

I’m really hoping the baking soda doesn’t turn yellow after a while… I did try using some white chalk, but it didn’t have the same “grain” as the soda so it didn’t look very good. I have one more detail to finish on this half of the interior and I can start gluing things in place. Than on to the rear portion and the interior should be done soon.

Double post

Nice looking effects Craig. With the door open I see where the floor will be as visible as the exterior.

Any chance of a close up of the melting snow pile for texture ? (


I will try and get a shot today up close, and maybe try a few other angles. These where quick grab shots as I left the workshop. I really need to get those figures painted.

That’s another cool weathering effect to add to the arsenal . Thank for sharing . I was just thinking as I’m looking at your interior , is it possible to make a stamp out of foam or something shaped like a 1/29th shoe print ?

Craig Townsend said:

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That does look nice (

My plans for continuing got pushed aside for the replacement of a heater core in our SUV… The joys of being an adult.

mike dorsch said:

That’s another cool weathering effect to add to the arsenal . Thank for sharing . I was just thinking as I’m looking at your interior , is it possible to make a stamp out of foam or something shaped like a 1/29th shoe print ?

I tried using the boot of one of my figures to make footprints but they didnt turn out very good.

Craig: if you can pillage an eraser from the school supplies, try carving a boot out of that & use it to make foot prints.

Its a trick I read that one of the model makers that worked on the original Star Wars movie props used. Lucas wanted a “used universe”, so that was one of the things they detailed the original Millennium Falcon with. Lucas later changed directions, and they came up with the clam shell design we all know, and the original model became the blockade runner, so the effect never made it on screen. But if it worked for dirty foot prints, it might work for snow too.

My first attempt at painting a figure. I still need to do a wash or two when this base coat is nice and dry. Not bad for a $6 3D printed figure.

Burl Rice said:

Craig: if you can pillage an eraser from the school supplies, try carving a boot out of that & use it to make foot prints.

Oh that’s a good idea. I have plenty of those laying around.


You’re going to have to build a glass display case to protect this masterpiece. Fantastic work.


Shane Stewart said:


You’re going to have to build a glass display case to protect this masterpiece. Fantastic work.


Thanks. Originally it started out as just a working model to understand the drawings. Now its kind of evolved into what it is now. The plan is still to make a brass version one day, with powered servos for the wings. That is going be a long while away… But this has been challenging and growing my modeling skills that will pay off big time on other projects. I’m trying to learn how to do some photo etching as well.

I hate to disappoint everyone following this thread, but I’m taking a well deserved break from this project. After investing so,much time and energy in this, I’ve kind of gotten burnt out on a detail heavy, make sure I get everything correct type project. In the meantime, I’m trying my hand at a project I’ve always wanted to build. I’m using a HO scale model as the basis, but it certainly won’t have the same level of high detail. This is more like a 3’ away type model. I don’t have a lot of information to go off of, so its a seat of the pants type build.

Hopefully this side project will help remotivate me on the Snow Dozer. I’m being kind of silent on the project as I asked MRH if they would be interested in an article on the build. Don’t know when I’ll get back to the Snow Dozer, but when I do you guys will be the first to know.

Sometimes a break from “work” is necessary to revitalize your energy and thought processes for doing something’s. Hate to wait on the results but at least you are not scrapping the whole idea and build. I had a friend that got stuck on a project and just tossed the whole thing away as it was frustrating him., about 15 seconds after it was junk and not rebuildable he was almost in tears for trashing it! Will be looking forward to seeing it in the future!