It would seem to me that a general feeling of apathy is settling on the largescale market. We have been inundated for the last few years with new releases from all the major manufacturers, leading to a feeling of malaise towards the market.
The last release from Bachmann that stirred the imagination was the 38-ton Shay and the Heisler. The Shay was welcomed with open arms as many were not in the hobby when the original 36-ton was released. Releases since then have hardly gotten the heart rate rising. The railtruck, the saddle/side tank Porters, well we all have one or two but just how practical are they? The 3-truck, well what can be said other than its quick and timely demise. The K-27 was heartily welcomed by the 1:20.3 crowd, but I do not feel received the attention and praise that the manufacturers had hoped. The new colour schemes on the American 4-4-0 received little attention and the diminutive Davenport has received basically no consumer support. The latest release Mallet is available on the Continent and the only thing outstanding seems to be the lack of enthusiasm expressed by the market. Are we immune to new releases? It does not take a crystal ball to predict very few new releases, from the company, in the coming two years.
Similarly with the other manufacturers. Aristo and USA Trains have flooded the market to saturation point. What for future viability in the hobby? We can only purchase so much stock and current financial limitations will certainly curtail new purchases for many. Specialist scales like 1/32 scale, will always find support as their devotees are fanatics. However, more ‘mundane’ scales such as 1/29 and 1/22.5 are seen as toy scales and consumers more fickle and more responsive to any market crisis.
I feel that the next few years will see little new release stock being available, as manufacturers consolidate existing tooling.