Large Scale Central

GE U-50 engine

I was wondering if anyone has pics of top of the engine I have sideviews, front and back but no top ones. Seems no one looked down at it. Ron

Ron I had the same issue with the EMC/EMD E5. I guess a bridge shot isn’t as interesting as a ground shot.
top of the overland model

Thats a tough rare engine to find much on. They were only made for up and some for sp. Did find a couple of modelers asked ge engineers for copies of the drawings and got no replys.

Thanks for the replies.

I believe the U-50 was make from traded in UP Turbines

Wow, that sure is an interesting and unusual looking loco.

UP U-Boats in Harriman, Wyoming


A very cool locomotive. I’ve wanted to build one for a while. For another odd one, see the Alco Century 855.

They look like frankenstein. Cool, odd looking locos almost looks like they were trying to relive the big boy in a diesel loco.


Exactly. To me, I see a couple guys in the UP engineering department. “I know, lets weld two locomotives together, that’ll be great!”

Mark Dash said:


That GP 9 needs a new timing belt and tensioner pulley

Whoa, does that pilot float? Is it attached to the body or the truck??
Yuck, looks like three rail O gauge!

David Russell said:

Mark Dash said:


That GP 9 needs a new timing belt and tensioner pulley

looks like someone also forgot the low bridge sign on that boxcar in the back row

Joe Paonessa said:

Whoa, does that pilot float? Is it attached to the body or the truck??
Yuck, looks like three rail O gauge!

Its attached to the truck.


Probably not a low bridge problem as much as a ignorant Hi-Lo driver inside the boxcar. Quite common for roofs to be bulged upwards by Hi-Lo’s overzealous lifting.


reason 2be removed

I built this U-50 engine.