Large Scale Central

GE U-50 engine

Another view.

Nice work Ron. Neat you tackled that tough job! DD next? :slight_smile:

Thanks Jerry but no DD. Have to finish roundhouse next. Ron

Ron, great job, any pics along the way? What truck motors did you use? any other interesting tidbits while building it?

Tom H

Tom I used 2 Aristo U-25 engines to make it. Cut the frames in 4 sections each with a motor/truck. Each truck swivels individually so in order to do that had to cut off nub on the pivot of the trucks. The blowers are wooden thread spools, the screen over them is from drywall sander. Runs on battery power so simple wiring.


Ugly. But nice. Good job there Ron.

Very cool!

Rod Fearnley said:
Ugly. But nice. Good job there Ron.

Yeah baby!! Ugly (diesel) = BEAUTIFUL!!!

Sweet! Really nice work, and a very cool loco!

Well i guess the next question would be, can this loco be used to straigten r1 curves?

Great Job

Nice job on that unusual engine.

Could it be called a Cab Forward Dieel ??


Post some of the pix you took building it.

This would be alot easier to build than the DD40, it uses standard B bogies instead of a need to be custom fabricated 4 axle truck. Someone on the MLS forum built one of these and brought it to the BTS in '07 or '08, it took up an entire table .


Here are some pictures of the building of the U-50.






ROn, just use the green tree symbol up above and paste the url into it and the pix will appear in your message.

Thanks Jerry I’ll try to remember that.

Great job!


Bob McCown said:

Exactly. To me, I see a couple guys in the UP engineering department. “I know, lets weld two locomotives together, that’ll be great!”

Wasn’t that Norm’s job?

Norm’s job before he retired was to mail out UP calenders every year…:wink:

UP really did like welding 2 locomotives together. But then out in the great open west I guess they had wide enough curves to do that.