Yup, full credit to Richard, Rick, Kabitha (NZ), and all other benchwork layouts for having the ideas that I’ve blatantly pinched. The PoC log was mandatory bedside reading for a long while.
Hats off too you all.
Yup, full credit to Richard, Rick, Kabitha (NZ), and all other benchwork layouts for having the ideas that I’ve blatantly pinched. The PoC log was mandatory bedside reading for a long while.
Hats off too you all.
I almost had it in mind to use urethane glue so there would be no doubt - but I stubbornly clung to my temporary frame of mind.
It’s another experiment - although I can get Titebond III here the price is horrendous. So I use aliphatic PVA which (as far as I can tell) passes everything for being ‘water resistant’ but doesn’t have the boil test at the end which makes it ‘waterproof’.
Time will tell!
On no, you’ve set a timeline Korm… The answer will always be one more bag than you actually have.
Let me know when you’re running low, and I’ll finish the thread - and start a new one…
Huh, and you didn’t raid the beer fridge? (or did I just not notice. ) I need to get me a Rooster Cam so I can spot your next stealth visit.
PS Is there a limit to the number of consecutive posts on a thread before I get a slap by the software?
Edit: Not yet…
Well since Neil and I are having an unofficial competition about who get their layout done first, he’s clearly took the leaderboard at least for the month of January. I’m sure I can catch up as we get to May, June and July…
Watch out for what you wish for, Neil.
With 5 to go, Wayne and Cliff combined are about to consecutively outpost Rooster on the Another Unless Post… thread, largely turning the thread into useful posts.
Mind blowing!
Hell I ain’t hit it so why would you worry about it . However that Bill I’ll tell ya’ is probably getting close!
I can only bet Neil as shes pricy here. I have paid for her many times in the states.
Hence her name she does get the job done buddy!
Excellent choice!
However if you really wanna get wild, check out Quick and Thick now shes a hoot to work with but for a better price. Titebond
Wait …what were we talking about
Neil, (and others)…
Do you use Amazon?
There is a free price tracker called https://au.camelcamelcamel.com/ in Oz and for the Yanks, camelcamelcamel.com.
It will:
It may not save you as much as you think, because days/weeks/months later many things that you’ve forgotten you’re tracking (e.g. headphones) come up at or near the price you set for purchasing.
Well, I did finish hanging lights in Herself’s shop today. Bathroom framing is next.
Your temporary fix may be stronger than a new piece. If it ain’t broke (again), don’t fix it!
January update - just to keep Craig on his toes.
Unfortunately I got bit by the rework bug. I was pushing a bit too hard at the end of the holidays to ‘git it done’ and I got some levels wrong - I matched the edge of the fascias up, rather than the cross members on the 3 sections before the yard.
No matter how much I played with the design frankensheet I couldn’t make the grades work - essentially I lost 5m of mainline downgrade.
Luckily it’s somewhat modular and screwed together so I managed to drop each section 2" without too much money going into the swear jar.
And finally, some stain.
Still have to drop the loop return framing but that is a job for another weekend as it’ll probably involve a few more posts.
There might actually be some track installed in the next update…
Ugh…nice save, though!
Thanks for the reminder of my lack of progress. We just had 3" of wet sloppy 32° snow a couple days ago and I told my wife that I was bummed out I couldn’t run a train on the railroad because of the construction mess. I told her, by next winter the layout is going to be operational. Let’s see if I can I can actually hold up to that “threat”.
Thanks Eric, I was kinda bummed when I found so took my sweet time before I tried to fix it. Wasn’t too bad in the end.
I had the Mik to distract me - so many entries this year I almost couldn’t keep up.
Ha ha, I have full confidence you’ll find some detail (or 10) that needs full attention for a good portion of that 12 mths. Looking forward to the first end to end video run!
I’ve got the convention in 12 mths so there is a roundy round plus (some) scenery deadline coming at me head on.
Oct 4th is the next RPM meet and I really want to bring a completed train. My goal is to work on that stuff while I’m waiting for the weather to get better. My wife tried telling me to get outside and work on the railroad when it snowed because I had an unexpected day off. I said I wasn’t in that big of a hurry.
My goal is to just get the layout up and running and not work on buildings or other stuff like that. This summer plans are wide open at the moment so hopefully I can make progress.
Is it really or should Neil just say screw it then rip it all down and start fresh!
Mar update.
Well, no more track down yet. I’m kinda holding off till I sort the ties out.
Mid loop benchwork is all but done. And some tractoring last weekend got some mulch in, and the low spot that is underwater in winter raised up.
The seat is where we’re going to put a (much) nicer one to honour my step father who passed away last year. Another steam fan/train nut gone to the engine shed in the sky. He’ll get to watch the over a yard just in front of it named after him.
Looks like the track fixing method is working ok (hard fix in the centre of each 5’ length, then slots for 2 fixings each side). Took these pics at 3pm on a hot (for us) day. The slight waving you can see is there on cold days too so looks like no obvious heat problems. Time to add some loose ballast on top and call it done.
Progress - slow and steady.