Large Scale Central


I primed the truck and baked the pieces in the toaster oven for about 40 minutes. Got the large hoses and ladder painted. I also painted the long hose so it looks less like a stack of rubber bands. Finally, I drilled a hole in the truck bed so I could use a screw and a nut to hold it in place.

Just a test fit to see how it’s going to look with the accessories in place.

Wow, Thats looking great Bruce.

Do you have a Dalmation to sit in the cab?

Looks good Bruce!

Loving it Bruce.

Very cool indeed!

I trust that the next coat of paint will be red.

Looks great, Bruce…

However, I vote for a white fire truck… (

Red? Huh? But firetrucks are GREEN!

Wow - Painted that hose looks excellent. Can’t wait to see the finished product.

Sharp looking paint work there Bruce. The hose looks real.I do think I’ll be looking into that clay press.

I vote for the white paint.

Just as an FYI, the first firetruck Shannon had was black. But then all Ford chassis were black back then. After that, I think they all were the proper colour for firetrucks, GREEN

Looks great! I vote white. Are you going to put a pump in it?


In the Holy City, the trucks were red (


White? I don’t think so. Fire trucks back then were red.

Otherwise, this would not work:

An LSC member came home and found his house on fire. He rushed next door, telephoned the fire department and shouted “Hurry over here - my house is on fire.”

“OK”, replied the fireman, “how do we get there?”

“Shucks, don’t you fellers still have those big red trucks?”

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Red, that is so cliche.

We here in Denver have the most beautiful firetrucks in the country, shining white with gleaming gold trim and lettering, and a classic logo. Can’t top that.

West Grove has them in 2 colors…:wink:

and they even have motors, no horses…:wink:

Eh, but my town is not stuck in the 21st century. Think early 20th century. Good luck finding a white firetruck. Heck, good luck finding a color picture. (

Wow, Bruce! That looks incredible!


That is an awesome addition to the layout, Bruce… Fantastic…