I thought Shawn would have started this by now. He’s slippin…
Some great pictures from both of yall on the trains and the railroad… Thanks… (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
I’m hate frustrated with my work network … I can see 50 percent of photos , not yours or Kens …I have to go home and try to remember to look @ them !
Great pics !
I just love the light angles and colors this time of year. Last weekend was a rare clear stretch so I ran a Photo Extra and spent all day crawling around on the ground taking pictures, Here are a bunch from Sunday’s Photograher’s Extra that weren’t posted in my Vintage Auto thread.
Here Sven and Joel unload a nice 1950 Chevy Bel-Aire to be staged for run-bys…
At the diamond approaching Walk Crossing with autos posed at the Walk Landing Trans-Load…
Later in the afternoon, as the sun got low, new photo ops were set up on Coal Dump Curve. Here Sven and his vintage Cord greet C-19 #8 as it rounds the curve with a coal drag…
Unfortunately, just as the sunlight started to pick up the sunset colors, my camera battery died. My el-cheapo spares have gone belly up years ago (https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-frown.gif)
very nice
Jerry had a Community Open House last weekend and while I was running trains while he talked to the visitors, I did take a couple of pics.
This is my steam donkey (actually a UK tram engine) running on the small loop.
And here’s my mogul sitting in the yard which was pretty busy that day.
Wow, those are some really nice shots.
nice, and green pictures I have nothing but track and dirt if I post, so maybe in a year or 4.
Don’t you just love the fall…
Looks like fall fell, back there in Easton, Mass.
Who’s gonna clean up that mess, that’s what I wanna know.
Sean said:
Don’t you just love the fall…
No! Its wet, and cold, and wet, and it gets dark too early, and its wet.
I have run a little this fall. This was last week, after spending two or three hours with a rake, and before the snow fell
I love the noise it makes going through the covered bridge…(https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif)
Good catch Ken. Not sure how I forget about the fall picture thread. The fall was very wet and windy here so never got a chance to run too much other than the last week or two, plus busy on the mtn bike. So far everyone has picked up my slack with great photos.
The fall started out mild but very wet. Got a new arrival to the railroad.
Sorry I forgot to use the secure site grrrrr
Then winter arrived in mid to late November. Gave me a chance to test out the plow.
Then it got cold and the guys had to start preparing for winter
Then the forecast called for more snow. The plow was put back in service
Video of the Shay as the snow started
After the storm,
we got 10 inches
a week later running the Henry
makes me want to rip up the mainline and switch to a logging railroad
amazing work!!!
Makes me almost miss snow!
Inspiring work, top to bottom, on you’ve all shared on this thread!
My 2 cylinder Shay with an Ozark kit log skidder posing on the yard siding in front of a dwarf red maple in full fall glory