I decided that I need to figure out all of the track and levels before I finalized my Mik build of McGillicuddy’s Supply. I finally made a decision today on how the bench work will be done. Referring to this picture…
The rear track will run at about a 3.5% grade down to the freight door. Most likely supported by a wood trestle in the future. The center track will stay at bench level and run over a trestle where the track in the picture is unsupported. The foreground curve will stay at bench level. The flat board at the left is bench level, the studs and plywood at the right are the lower level. The curved track will be on an embankment running down to the lower level. Where the 5x5’s are supporting the track, the bench will be at the lower level on a triangular piece ending about 18" toward the camera from the existing framework. The balance of the curve will be at bench level supported by the book case that lives along the stairwell wall.
The center track car spot will either be a coal dump trestle, or a tank unloading facility. If I can squeeze in two cars, maybe both. Not sure if the curve will have car spots, or just be space to drill cars.
I still need to confirm that the switches will fit before I commit to wood and nails.