Large Scale Central

Engine servicing trackwork at Burke

The turntable at Burke was built last year, but the MOW crew never connected it to the yard, so it sat unused over the winter. This issue has been addressed. A new switch, and track, was laid for both the turntable lead, and the coal facility. First, we have to drop off the MOW train. Since there are cars on both ends, it requires a few moves.

Making our way slowly down the new track.


Past where the coaling facility will be.



Easing onto the turntable




Going for a ride


A successful test!


Great looking TT Bob.

Looking good Bob. Lot of progress

Looks good. Enjoy this weather. Looks like rain again for this week. :frowning:

Neat, Bob… looking good… :slight_smile:

Looking good Bob. The mobile clearance gauge says everything is OK :smiley:

Yea, if the 45 tonner fits, everything else should.

Looking good Bob!! Didn’t you do a write up on your turn table sometime back?


Say Bob what is that large object just beyond the Yard Office? I’m not sure it is to scale! Other wise I’m envious and it looks GOOD. I wish I had the space fo such a facility. If you are running a 45 Tonner don’t forget a Diesel fuel tank!


E. Paul Austin said:
Say Bob what is that large object just beyond the Yard Office? I'm not sure it is to scale!
You don't recognize a sonic screwdriver when you see one? And it's definitely to scale (though what scale remains indeterminate; such things tend to be larger on the inside than the outside).

I saw one just like that at Area 51. It’s a training craft for the IRS. :slight_smile:

Hmmm? Maybe I grew up watching too many saturday afternoon matinees on TV but that looks more like something Godzilla might have left behind after they assigned him community service rebuilding.

Nice work Bob!


Last week at TrainOps, it became VERY obvious we needed a place to store locomotives that wasn’t in the way. What better place than off the turntable? The Gang had some great ideas, and today I put them into action.



There will be one more long track on the benchwork, and an unloading ‘bay’ on the other side of the turntable, next to the approach lead.

Bob, you could add another track to the left and build a partial roundhouse with a removable roof! That way you could reach the Locos to turn them on and/or off, but put the roof on for pictures.


Now, that looks good. Definite improvement …:wink:

Should make life easier.