I did not attend the event, but have followed this thread with interest due to the number of fellow forum members that did attend, and some entered the contest. Going back through the posts I have the following commentary.
Craig posted a link to the AristoCraft forum thread on the ‘Rules’ which I will copy/clip to make it easier to follow my rant. The start is the posting of the ‘Prizes’.
Best of Show will be a $400 certificate for purchase of Aristo-Craft/Crest items … at the current discount pricing! Not MSRP as in the past.
For each category,
- First Place - $250 certificate,
- Second Place - $ 100 certificate,
- Third Place $50 certificate.
It is my experience that as soon as money gets involved the trouble will soon follow. Oh, wait a minute, these are AristoCraft Certificates, only redeemable with AristoCraft. Hmmmm… No bias here… Prize listing followed by the ‘Categorys’.
2013 ECLSTS Model Contest
Steam Locomotives - All types of locomotives powered by steam. The model must include an electric motor or other means of propulsion and be capable of operation on 45mm rails to be eligible for the category.
Diesel Locomotives - All types of locomotives powered by diesel (as commonly defined in the prototype). The model must include an electric motor or other means of propulsion and be capable of operation on 45mm rails to be eligible.
Self Propelled Units –Self-propelled MOW, Cranes, Track Cars, Snow Plows, Self-Propelled Passenger equipment, and Traction of all types. The model must include an electric motor or other means of self-propulsion and be capable of operation on 45mm rails to be eligible.
Rolling Stock – All rolling stock, non-self propelled. All types of Freight (including MOW, caboose and modern intermodal), passenger, MOW and “whimsical”. The model must include couplers and wheels and be capable of operation on 45mm rails to be eligible.
Buildings/Structures – All buildings and trackside structures
Dioramas – All dioramas
This seem relatively straight forward. Until you scroll through the thread and there are NO "Rules’ in the link provided, nor a link to the Rules. After doing some digging on the Aristo forum, I found the Rules posted as a PDF file, which can not be linked to here. Being as it is an open forum, I have posted a copy on my site linked here
for your reference. Here burried in the ‘Rules’ it states “6 Contest Catdgories will be judged by a team of five (5) judges selected by the sponsor…” . Lemme see…selected by sponsor…no indication of bias here.