Large Scale Central

ECLSTS -Alcove

Drag n Brag is Friday evening at the Holidome.

I will be looking for you, Bob to give you money for another year of freight shed.

The Large Scale Central “Party and Drag & Brag” is at the Holiday Inn (Holidome) on Loucks Road.

The closest hotel to the show.

It is in the “Susquehanna Room”, at the hotel.

Bring your own refreshments, and chip in for the cost of the room.

There will be a LARGE tub of ice to keep the drinks cold.

John; I am looking forward to meeting you along with Doug, Barry & the other 2 lads this coming Thursday as I make my 1st trek to the ECLST show.

I’m coming this year.

I meet up with the Tennysons Wednesday AM. Not sure about the rest of the schedule. I’ll try snooping around the alcove and may drag them to Drag & Brag.

It’s getting closer, everyone… Looking forward to meeting y’all.

Thursday evening, Logans (Roadhouse?) seems to be the place. Some of the guys from MLS are going to have supper there; some of 'em are well known here on LSC too, BTW.

never eat anyplace but the ““diner”” in York…

we depart at 6 am in the morning…

“The Diner” is also within walking distance of the HolidayInn…although, most people drive.

So is Logan’s Fred, but the diner is definitely better.

You guys may be right about the Diner; I wouldn’t know, but a decision had to be made, and I made it based on the number of people who lined up for Logans, vs nobody at that time for the Diner, right or wrong. So we have a vanload of us coming down from Toronto and we’ve said that we’d try to make for Logan’s Thursday for dinner. One o the guys says he wants to hook up at the host hotel (whatever that is) for drinks after dinner.

Whatever unfolds on Thu. evg., I hope to meet everybody at Fred’s do at the Holiday Inn on Friday evg. or in/around the alcove on Friday. I’ll be in an engineer’s hat with a red flower hanging off it. You might just see a corner of the flower on my avatar, BTW.

Please make a point of introducing yourself! Cheers, everyone!:slight_smile:

I mean the alcove on Friday… I still have to get used to this show on a Friday business…

One day and a wake-up, and then I’ll be headed north. Thanks to a steaming-up tutorial video from Carl Weaver, I purchased the proper kind of distilled water (steam distilled). Don’t know what was used to distill the first jug (magic wand from Hogwarts?).

Anyway, can’t hide the fact that I am excited to be picking up a Roundhouse Millie at the show Friday morning. Have the rest of the day for instruction in the “care and feeding” of her. Know how to take care of a 65 ton 0-6-0 Porter saddletanker, but 45mm gauge is a whole new world for me.

I know that I have not posted for a long time. Had to be nimble at my place of work to secure a new job, then there was the training period, and then starting up on the floor. Didn’t leave too much time to visit large scale sites. Things are getting better now.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.


David Meashey

The so called “Host Hotel” is the Holiday Inn (Holidome) on Louck’s Road.

That is where the LSC “Drag & Brag” (Party) is held, in the Susquahanna Room.

As recorded previously on this thread…Bring your own refreshments, and PLEASE chip in for the cost of the room.

Check in at “The Alcove” for answers to any further questions, about this “Party”

Some people go to the Diner for dinner, on Friday afternoon, and then to the Drag & Brag…there are a great many from the show, and LSC that go to the Diner.

From past experience; the Diner is the place to meet just about everyone, either for a great breakfast or dinner,especially on the Sunday morning after the show, when everybody meets for final good-byes, at the Diner.

The Holiday Inn is also known for including a very good FULL breakfast, with the cost of your room…this year the room was $89…and for that price two people can split the cost.For an added charge, a cot is available for a third person…still a good bargain, splitting the total cost three ways.

It is a full service hotel…and the closest to the show.

Is that the South York Diner? If so, try the “Funnel Cake Fries” for dessert.

We are going to make it to Smokey Bones BBQ. Really good food, and not too expensive.

I was thinkin’ it was the “Round the Clock Diner.” No?


A few of us meet at the Lyndon Diner on Rt 30 for dinner, at the first traffic light east of rt 74.

Time for me to sign off and finish packing.

Safe travel wishes for all.

See you there,

David Meashey

Packing up tonight. Eric Shade is stopping by to polish some rails and hope to be on the raod around 2 or 3. Should be in York by 6.