Large Scale Central

ECLSTS 2013...LSC Party room, For Friday March 22nd 16:00 Onw

can any one come?

Anyone can attend the “LSC PARTY” $7 at the door to help defray the cost of the room…bring whatever you care to drink…an ice box will be available for cooling the beverages.

  The "PARTY" is an opportunity to bring out any models you care to brag about.....hence the name of our annual party...     THE DRAG'n BRAG........

  There may be cup cakes available   quantity limited  !!   if you care to bring any finger so...please...!!

sorry no cup cakes diabetic.

Ahem…SUGAR FREE CUPCAKES can be had…if those who can eat anything would care to look for them…Don’t feel bad Richard…I have been throwing a tantrum for Sugar Free Chocolate creme filled cupcakes for months now to no avail…

Bart found a supply of sugar free cup cakes that he likes…2013 is here already…now the countdown for the ECLSTS starts…get your party hats ready…get out your clean Spring underwear…

Is this thing in the same room as last year? The one that took us a half hour to find? And after finding it, found one door locked and had to search for the other entrance by following the sound of the voices? That room?

Look for the name of the room, in my first posting to this thread…it is closer to the lobby entrance to the meeting rooms. Remember the name and it should be easier to find…remember the name of the GREAT RIVER…in the state…signage is to be provided…I will be arranging it closer to the event, through the good services of the hotel…unless I get struck down, and don’t last until the party…!!

no nonsmoking rms left


Got my room for Friday night…

I’m also bringing a bunch of stuff that I want to sell/trade. I think the Drag n Brag room might be a good place for us to have that kind of thing.

Good idea, Bob. Let me know/remind me, a week or so before the date, to make sure we have an extra table for anything for sale or trade.

And, for anyone that’s interested, my place will be open on Sunday, if you care to stop by on your way home…:wink:

Ken will probably have cup cakes there too…so it is worth stopping in to enjoy Ken’s company, and a cup cake or three…Bart might bring some Diet Cup Cakes…who knows…!!..or they might all get eaten in the Party Room on Friday afternoon/evening… Just think…cupcakes for breakfast, with Ken and Bev…always coffee there too…a great start for that perfect day…!!

Ken Brunt said:
And, for anyone that's interested, my place will be open on Sunday, if you care to stop by on your way home....................;)
Can I still stop by if I'm already home and have to leave to make the trip ? :) :) ;)
Dave Marconi said:
Ken Brunt said:
And, for anyone that's interested, my place will be open on Sunday, if you care to stop by on your way home....................;)
Can I still stop by if I'm already home and have to leave to make the trip ? :) :) ;) dunno...............I guess so......................if ya wanna.......;)

NO FAIR…I have to head home to partake…why should he be different…!!

Ken Brunt said:
And, for anyone that's interested, my place will be open on Sunday, if you care to stop by on your way home....................;)
Barring some epic disaster, natural or otherwise, I'll be there, this time :) Ralph
Ralph Berg said:
Ken Brunt said:
And, for anyone that's interested, my place will be open on Sunday, if you care to stop by on your way home....................;)
Barring some epic disaster, natural or otherwise, I'll be there, this time :) Ralph
Same here Ralph although Im only going to be their Friday (cant convince the wife to come down and spend the weekend) Our club will also have its moduler set-up at the show. Hope see you guys friday. Andy I spoke with Nick I might be brining your stuff down if your nice to me ;)
Shawn said:
Ralph Berg said:
Ken Brunt said:
And, for anyone that's interested, my place will be open on Sunday, if you care to stop by on your way home....................;)
Barring some epic disaster, natural or otherwise, I'll be there, this time :) Ralph
Same here alph although Im only going to be their Friday (cant convince the wife to come down and spend the weekend) Our club will also have its moduler set-up at the show. Hope see you guys friday. Andy I spoke with Nick I might be brining your stuff down if your nice to me ;)
If you could head down on Thursday, you could stop by here. I have a few of the Canadien contingent stopping in on their way to York on Thursday.