Large Scale Central

ECLSTS 2013...LSC Party room, For Friday March 22nd 16:00 Onw

I have booked the Susquehanna room, at the Holiday Inn, Louks Road, for the “Drag & Brag Party” on Friday Evening, March 22nd, 2013…during the ECLSTS…

I hope that everyone attending, will bring a six pack of their favourite beverage, and a donation of $7, towards the room.

There will be a tray of ice to chill the beverages, tables and chairs for the attendees…all you need to bring, is your friendship, a model or picture for the “Drag & Brag”, and your willingness to share an hour or three with fellow LSC chatters, or forum users…sharing thoughts and ideas…please wear a smile…and Bob, I’m sure will provide a LSC name tag on line…

 You might want to look for, or pre-order a LSC Tee Shirt.....Bob might have them at the party....

 The room will be open from 16:30, until midnight.  Signage will be provided...

My JD doesn’t come in a 6 pack, and i don’t believe i could drink that much anyway. Can I still come ?

Dave, my son…the idea as you well know, is to bring what you care to enjoy, and a bottle/can or two to share…
BTW…CupCakes, might be a hit…can we maybe, expect some upside-down cupcakes as a treat…or at least some regular ones ?
…maybe we could put a few bucks towards a “Cup Cake Festival” at the party…!!
I will try to remember to bring some treats, like chips, and such…Others might do the same…

The question at this point is; Who will share a room with David…!!! he might attend if someone offers him a cot in their room…he won’t come if he has to drive home (Wise move, if he has a bheer or three…maybe you, Dave, could book a room for one night and share it with him…only $89 for two)(Split evenly is only $45 each)

They’ve still not announced the Spring Show. Although it does say to keep March 22,23 open.
Maybe they’re waiting to see if the World ends in December :wink:
If Hollywood & Rooster will come to the “Drag & Brag”, I’ll probably faint and pee all over myself :smiley:

You might want to wear rubber that night Ralph :wink:

If you go to the Aristo Web Page, and their forums; you will see everything about the plans for the SPRING ECLSTS…even the hotel listing, and code for the $89 rooms…included is a free breakfast (Good breakfast…had it this year) I just booked my room…no problem…

That is good news Fred :slight_smile:
We’ll see you all in March .

Hollywood…I’ll believe it when I see it :wink:

Im thinking about going Friday and staying overnight. Trying to convince the wife to tag along as well.

We are not staying there, but I will try to make it this year. Now what can I drag?

Shawn said:
Im thinking about going Friday and staying overnight. Trying to convince the wife to tag along as well.
Hollywood, Rooster & Shawnette at the Drag & Brag..............I better buy some Depends :O Ralph

Thanks for the early notice, Fred… I’ll check in… 99% sure I’ll make the show…

Bob and I are in too, had a great time meeting everyone last year decided to stay there this year.


double post

Fred Mills said:
maybe you, Dave, could book a room for one night and share it with him...only $89 for two)(Split evenly is only $45 each)
Sorry Fred your math is incorrect......It would be $44.50/each, just thought I would point that out to you. ;)

But fred was including the tip for the Bellhop. :wink:

There is a Wizard of Oz convention their that week Randy …no tipping the flying monkeys Randy !
$44.50 out the door!

The group code for online reservations at the Holiday Inn at York for ECLSTS 2013 is ECL. Terry we have a room.


 It will be great to have another opportunity to speak with you. This past Spring, I met you for the first time, but had very little time to chat.

From past experience; meeting at the show, in the "Alcove" is great, but to actually socialise, over a beverage, is better done, after the show, in a room where everyone can share ideas, and experiences. Staying at the same hotel, where the "Party room" is located, allows one to enjoy a bheer, or whatever bevrage is desired, without the need to drive after.
  The price ($89) for a room at the Holiday Inn (Louck's Road) makes the stay reasonably priced. Two people can share that room, and each pay half......$89 divided by two is less than $45 each....(Plus taxes)  David take note.... 

The HI is also providing a breakfast free to it's guests.  Full buffet breakfast, not the cheap style.

For dinner, the HI is very close to th famous"Diner", that a lot of people enjoy.

NO; I'm not advertising for the HI, but I have always stayed there, due to it being reasonably priced. It is also closer to the show than any other hotel.  They also have the rooms available, that are large enough for our PARTY ROOM.

 I look forward to getting together in the Spring.....

Someone is going to share a room with Fred?

…seperate beds, of course…!!