I have booked the Susquehanna room, at the Holiday Inn, Louks Road, for the “Drag & Brag Party” on Friday Evening, March 22nd, 2013…during the ECLSTS…
I hope that everyone attending, will bring a six pack of their favourite beverage, and a donation of $7, towards the room.
There will be a tray of ice to chill the beverages, tables and chairs for the attendees…all you need to bring, is your friendship, a model or picture for the “Drag & Brag”, and your willingness to share an hour or three with fellow LSC chatters, or forum users…sharing thoughts and ideas…please wear a smile…and Bob, I’m sure will provide a LSC name tag on line…
You might want to look for, or pre-order a LSC Tee Shirt.....Bob might have them at the party....
The room will be open from 16:30, until midnight. Signage will be provided...