Large Scale Central

ECLSTS 2010 Drag and Brag, Who's bringing what?

I think I’m gonna bring:

Shay 119- The big 4 truck monster, most y’all ain’t seen it in 1:20.3 scale

Shay 8

120 the 4-8-0

The T boiler Shay

Also thought I might pick y’alls brains and have a “Talks Bart out of starting over on the layout AGAIN” track planning session…

Well - I was bringing the live steam Shay to show off the weathering job I just finished, but unless I can recover from messing it up, probably nothing :frowning:

I’m seriously considering bringing my Mikado. :wink:

I’ll bring my Kaskaskia Valley boxcar. Beyond that, I haven’t done much since the last show. I’ll probably bring an EBT boxcar and see if I can make it vanish like a couple did last year. :smiley:

I’m thinking of entering the contest this year, so I may bring some older stuff as well.

I forgot that I rebuilt my 10 Wheeler. I may bring that. It looks pretty cool now that it’s all black.

I’m bringing Ric… Does he count???


OMG, Ric is going to let YOU drive???

Hey! Suppose any of you guy’s could come by and “bring me” to it??? I don’t care if ya drag me or brag about me just pick me up in West Ne. and take me along?? Never been to a big doin’s like that !! K??? hah lol Regal

Bruce Chandler said:
OMG, Ric is going to let YOU drive????
He takes 4 motion sickness pills before he lets me drive..... :)
Andy Clarke said:
I'm bringing Ric.... Does he count?????


Will you be entering him in the contest on Saturday?

Son, it’s ““Show & Tell””, not a contest… I’m just bringing him, I didn’t make him…

I’m bringing the Hanrahan reefer, and maybe one of my ore car prototypes.

And some kits, right?

Andy Clarke said:
Son, it's ""Show & Tell"", not a contest...... I'm just bringing him
AND? :)
Andy Clarke said:
Son, it's ""Show & Tell"", not a contest...... I'm just bringing him, I didn't make him....
You sure about that Andy. I saw that mad sceince kit in your basement last time I was over. ;)
Bruce Chandler said:
And some kits, right?
Oh yea. Lost of "Show and Sell" stuff, too.

Cool. I’ll bring one of the “finished” projects so you can show before and after. :smiley:

What a great time of year that is coming up. The building of the excitement is half the enjoyment. It should be a good show, both in and out of the Fairgrounds.

Ric Golding said:
What a great time of year that is coming up. The building of the excitement is half the enjoyment. It should be a good show, both in and out of the Fairgrounds.
Theres something going on at the Fairgrounds???????

Excuse a newbe question, but when and where is this brag and drag thing? I’m hoping to make it down for Friday (staying at a hotel about about a mile or so away from the Fairgrounds) and would like see the stuff you all bring down (or up).

Dave Ottney said:
Excuse a newbe question, but when and where is this brag and drag thing? I'm hoping to make it down for Friday (staying at a hotel about about a mile or so away from the Fairgrounds) and would like see the stuff you all bring down (or up). Dave
At the host hotel. Check back through this post for Friar Fred as he already reserved the room.
Ric Golding said:
What a great time of year that is coming up. The building of the excitement is half the enjoyment. It should be a good show, both in and out of the Fairgrounds.
I am looking forward to finally meeting everyone in person. Should be a good time.