Large Scale Central

Eastbound approach to Majestic

Hey folks When trains headed eastbound from Burke, between Pearce and Majestic, they cross over a series of bridges. I’ve had temporary bridges up for a few years, but the combination of tree and track damage from last October’s storm, and the wood in the bridges rotting away, forced me to address this sooner than later. I’m going to rebuild all three bridges as stone arches. The molds are ones I’m borrowing from Stan Ames. Here’s the first one, which is actually in Majestic itself. You can just see the temporary bridge on the right here.

A bit of digging, some concrete block as a footing, and leveling, and I set the pair of arches in place last night. I mortared them to the block today.



Next up is rockwork on the right hand side to hide the block, and filling in the roadbed.

That must feel pretty good. Nice to get the molds like that, too.

I’ll be following this thread for sure, Bob.

Those ferns in the background of yr photograph are quite convincing sprucepinefirs; I find this a very useful species to model.

Thanks. The ferns, while nice looking, are a humongous weed. Maybe a half dozen times a year I pull out huge handfuls of them. They require a LOT of controle.

Bridge is looking good Bob. I have those same ferns all over our yard. The roots run all over the place. I have been fighting them for years. At one time the entire area where most of my RR is was just a sea of them. I let a few small ones survive.

Bob McCown said:
I'm going to rebuild all three bridges as stone arches.
How do expect me to lift them up so the K will fit under them..................;)

Oh, I get it, there’s no track under them…:wink:

Another nice improvement while you’re doing the rebuild of the damaged loop. :slight_smile: Nice job.

A bit more rockwork around the bridge.


Looks great Bob

Nice looking bridge. Can’t wait to see more.


I need to get to Stan’s early next week and grab the “in-betweener” mold for for the next bridge, since it’ll be two spans wide. Meanwhile Ill rebuild the switch and get it mounted, and get the rest of the track down.

Looks good, Bob!

Now that is just a great scene.
I really like that last picture.

Moving on uphill toward Pearce. Here I’m setting the rock footings and concrete block in place.


And now the arch mortared in place.


And an overall view of the two sets of arches.


Looks great Bob. I think you have blended the arches into the scenery very well.

Let’s see, is the big rock on the bridge to test it’s carrying capacity? Bob, so far I can not see your RR on Goggle earth!
