Large Scale Central

East Coast Large Scale Train Show

** FLASH**

(always wanted to say that)

I spoke to Star Hobby today, and he is planning to do the ECLSTS show in Annapolis MD 30 April-1 May. Renting the space right next to the store which is on RT 50 just short of the Bay Bridge.

Now I suppose something could go wrong (such as vendors not wanting to do it) but he is trying to make it happen. The web site is not yet updated. Some low life broke into the store over the weekend, stole mainly RC related items, so he is busy today.

I will post if I find out anything further


And now seems to be confirmed by the show, that it is on.

Alas, my schedule is not nimble enough to allow me to join in this year, but I do wish the show the greatest success. I am hoping by next year that I will be able to attend.

Regards, David Meashey

Their website has a mis-configured security certificate. It appears to be safe, since the certificate is registered to Star’s hosting company, just not set up for the domain. I won’t be making the trip this year, but will be at Ken’s two weeks later.

Too short of notice for me, I don’t get my second shot till the 30th, I would have preferred a fall show but I wish them well. I wonder how many vendors can make it on such a short notice ?

According to the website, most of the regular vendors have confirmed. The space is 25,000 SF with “wall to wall carpeting and 4 bathrooms”. I sure hope those aren’t one-holers or the line to pee will be out the door!

Direct contact with Ro today on a different matter, but when asked the salesman said they aren’t going to be there

edited to add nothing after thought

I’ll be there Friday afternoon but not Saturday, and Jerry B might do the same. Anyone else going, on either day?

I won’t make it. Other stuff has come up.

Our plans are to be at Bluestone Southern Ops. Don’t know AndyC’s plans, he might be going to the ECLSTS. His son is stationed near there.(

I think Andy will be at the Ops session, too.

The show dates are Friday, April 30 and Saturday, May 1.

Not planning on the Train show…

Current plans are to be at Ken’s OPS, then down to Baltimore to see (pester) the kid…

Andy Clarke said:

Not planning on the Train show…

Current plans are to be at Ken’s OPS, then down to Baltimore to see (pester) the kid…

Don’t forget the kid will have his hand out for the $20.00 you owe him(

We know who isn’t going; but who is . Ken? I am currently living in Maryland less than an hour from the show and working on a new rearyard layout so I need track, switches and other items. Intend on going Friday.

David Marconi,FOGCH said:

Andy Clarke said:

Not planning on the Train show…

Current plans are to be at Ken’s OPS, then down to Baltimore to see (pester) the kid…

Don’t forget the kid will have his hand out for the $20.00 you owe him(

Hollywood, that’s the kid I try to avoid at Ken’s… (Whom never pays one back, mind you…)

""See (Pester) the kid’’ is my son, stationed at Ft Meade…

Yanno, the one who never asks for 20 bucks…

Stuart Moxley said:

We know who isn’t going; but who is . Ken? I am currently living in Maryland less than an hour from the show and working on a new rearyard layout so I need track, switches and other items. Intend on going Friday.

Stuart it would be nice to see you at Ken’s. I’m all for Saturday if it matters.(

Who is going?

Me, buddies Mark, Dwight, Dana, and of course Cliffy.

I am getting excited, an actual gauge 1 train show!


going. Will we have a “get together” on friday evening???

Ed Halo said:

going. Will we have a “get together” on friday evening???

Ed, I haven’t heard of any “D&B” plans. I suppose some will go over to that fisherman’s restaurant on the eastern shore, where there’s an LGB train running around the ceiling. Might talk to the Star guys on Friday, maybe they’d know more.

Here’s a few pics from ECLSTS 2021, starting with the vendor area, looking toward the entrance.

There were two clubs who set up layouts.

I was there on Friday with Jerry B, and RR buddies Mark and Dwight.

I didn’t buy anything here at the show proper, but I saw a number of people walking out the door with large boxes, so that was great. I did buy from Star Hobby, who’s store was right next door. Their always-huge “display” isn’t in the pics here, because it was their whole store on the other side of the wall!

In view of all the changing factors involved, I think Star did a great job pulling this together at the last moment. Sure, it was small. But Star got ECLSTS back on its feet, after York being closed to them after the 2019 show, and getting hit with Covid and the night-before-the-show closure in 2020. So my hat’s off to them.

Had a great time. And here’s to a blast in 2021!
