Large Scale Central

East Coast Large Scale Train Show

I was thinking about going, but on Thursday had 10 yards of mulch delivered, so I didn’t think it would be prudent to drive to Annapolis with all that sitting in the driveway…(

Ken Brunt said:

I was thinking about going, but on Thursday had 10 yards of mulch delivered, so I didn’t think it would be prudent to drive to Annapolis with all that sitting in the driveway…(

That was supposed to be your incentive - clear the driveway, THEN go to the show!

My wife found an hour long video of the Show on Facebook. I don’t belong to FB.

Could someone please post it here so those of us of Anti-FB could see it?

Thank you.

I had a nice time at the show Friday. I think Star did a good job, masks were used, drinks and snacks for sale, handouts for local restaurants, hotels and ATMs. A buddy found a high end live steamer at a good price. All in all, a good effort in the times we are in.


Lou, here’s a 20-minut vid from Star’s FB page.

What the heck is G-scale ?

Gary Buchanan, FOG said:

What the heck is G-scale ?

I suppose the Star guys, selling Z thru G, are used to calling them all “scales.” But I wonder how many times they’ve had to explain to newbies in their shop that it’s really not a scale, but a gauge… (

Wow, that’s quite a drop off from show just a few years ago, granted it was kinda pulled together late in the game due to the pandemic. I hope next years show will be bigger. Considering you actually GOT a show, we are not going to get anything here until probably August at the earliest and that will an all-scale show.