Large Scale Central

East Coast Large Scale Train Show

I didn’t see anything “cast in concrete” yet on the site, so who knows what will happen.


Was just on the site, and it looks like the concrete is still in the cement mixer truck. My gut feeling is that this year will be a “no go” as well, UNLESS somebody tries for a fall show. Enough of us geezers could be immunized by September or October to allow things to work.

Best wishes, David Meashey

That’s a great thought Dave, having a fall show. I like it. I’d hope the vendors & clubs would have plenty of notice to make their plans, we’ll see.

It seems to me that it’s too late for many vendors & clubs to drop everything and come to Timonium a couple weeks from now… But, maybe something’s in the works. Only Star knows.

I’m guessing Star might do a the smaller Annapolis-based thing, as they suggested on their FB page. Maybe just them and anyone who they can bring in the last minute. That would take at least a hotel conference room I suppose, but with the slow traffic nowadays, perhaps they’re still available. Again, just guessing.

I was just at their FB page, and hadn’t noticed till now their vendor setup video from last year. This was right before the state announcement of public event closures, so everyone’s still happily working hard. Looks like an indoor drone video, very effective! And this hall seemed quite up to the task, size-wise (vs. Timonium, as we were discussing over a year ago). The halls to left and right of this are simply enormous, but I think we only had the one to the left last March.

There are new postings on the ECLSTS site, The East Coast Train Show - Home ( . They are hoping to have a show the weekend after Easter, April 9 - 10. I hope things will work out for the show, but am unsure that I will be able to go. I will watch the site and post on this thread if things solidify.

Yours, David Meashey

I can see nothing on ECLSTS that talks about having a show this year.

Well, it obviously changed in the 7 minutes since I looked at it. Sheesh!

Lou Luczu said:

Well, it obviously changed in the 7 minutes since I looked at it. Sheesh!

I suspect that they were just waiting for “Joisey Lou” to post SOMETING…(

Well, since I am still not immunized I will be a no-go even if its in Annapolis.

Here is to 2022.

I stopped by Star Hobby to get some supplies, and he is still working the issue, nothing definitive yet.


Thanks Jerry for keeping everyone informed.

Well, I guess there is no show this year. It’s getting too close to the proposed date with no updates.

Lou Luczu said:

Well, I guess there is no show this year. It’s getting too close to the proposed date with no updates.

Sure seems so.

There is some hope for a show. The National Narrow Gauge Convention will be held in Hickory, NC starting on September 1, 2021. I know it isn’t for everyone, but it’s something.


A different kind of show coming up is KOPS it will be a better show if Andy shows up!

Agreed, guess Star could not get the space rented in time. There is actually a GSMTS near Timonium MD. this coming weekend with masks and timed tickets. an all scales show as usual but it is something.

And yes Doc, I saw the NG convention, very tempting, that show is rarely east of the Pecos river…


Now that I am completely vaccinated, I am hoping to perhaps go to a fall show - all scales is OK. Used to be one of those in Timonium years ago. Perhaps it will get the “highball” by September or so. My little steamers are “itching for action.” but getting down on my knees on our carport just isn’t so good anymore.

Best, David Meashey


Come on up!

Looks like it is past time for you to build that nice elevated live steam line…(


My little steamers are “itching for action.”

Better keep Jerry B at a distance. He’s still looking for one of those Alcos for his 2’ logging line.


Aw heck! Wish I had known sooner about that show. Had this Saturday off, so working at The Rail Yard next Saturday. No biggie; I’ll eventually get to a show. Do want to get an elevated track, but that is still a “someday” thing (proverbial rich uncle still alive & well ;>) ).

Best, David Meashey