A sunny day on the Spa Creek & McKendree RR. Older combine #21 with its faded paint is on a local up Clear Creek to Black Hawk. (Looking at this pic, I solved the mystery of the missing clerestory windows.)
I did wash it with black/brown acrylic to take some of the brightness off the white lettering, and to make the paint look more weathered. Jerry & I debated the glossy dark green on the other 2 coaches, and whether they needed toning down.
P.S. The glossy C&S coaches were a delightful surprise. I got them cheap as a package from a store and found they were probably Bachmann kits, painted, with better metal wheels, Kadee couplers, metal end railings with chains (compare with my Duckbill above), improved lighting and Ozark vents on the coach, and nice brass strap steps on the baggage.