Large Scale Central

Dirty and Dusty Railway

Weather forecasts for the north coast of California this coming weekend are predicting snow down to or below 1000’ elevations. We are ~20 miles inland and at ~500’ here, so do not usually have anything other than a very light dusting that lasts only a few hours. No snow equipment on the Boonville Light & Power railroad!

Our nearest shopping is ~30 miles further inland and requires driving over a 3000’ elevation to get there. There are chain control points on that road, and it is actually closed for a short time every few years. This coming cold front could be one of those ‘events!’

Outside temp is 53 at the moment, but it has been 30 or below every night for the last week. Big change is in the offing.

Happy (Warm & Dry) RRing,


Doug our weather folks at work are not convinced that we are getting bombed, this weekend. but they have been wrong before !!!

I guess other than attempting to plow my deck railroad, its strictly shop work right now.

I himk you’re right. It’s like washing your car. If you cleared it yo’ll make it snow!

It would be great if it was in the 60s for highs instead of the low 40s,

Hay Doug it is in the mid 60’s for me today.

Doug, how did you do down there? I think I might have got just about two feet this weekend. I do have my snow removal train buried in my snowshed on the deck…and the snow shed is MIA under that two feet !

We’ve had several light snows. It melts and a new batch hits. It’s snowing right now! Bring on spring!

It’s snowing in Burbank!!!

Gary Armitstead said:
It's snowing in Burbank!!!
Is it not supposed to do that?


I’m 67 years old and the LAST time it snowed here, Iwas 6 years old!!!

It’s been a few days!

now we will have to see how many cases of naisel frost bite get reported. :smiley:

Gary Armitstead said:

I’m 67 years old and the LAST time it snowed here, Iwas 6 years old!!!

My kinda Winter…snow every 61 years :slight_smile:

The boarders and skiers will top the list!

Gary Armitstead said:

I’m 67 years old and the LAST time it snowed here, Iwas 6 years old!!!


Well the sun did poke out a few times. Looking north towards Apple Valley all I see is white.

I guess that’s why they call it Burbank.
I live in PA and it was nice today.

SNOW Oh ya ! I sorta remember that white stuff. Don’t miss it at all. With the temperatures always above 60 degrees here where we are located, I know why we decided to be move to paradise.

TOF in Hawaii

An early morning Milk Train passes the newly completed ore chute at the Silver Onyx Mine. Trucks are currently moving ore until the new siding and bridge are completed.

VERY nice. Looks great

Looks really nice, but you need some snow on the ground. :slight_smile: