Large Scale Central

D&R RR building Blog

I have started a Blog on the construction of the D&R RR, I’ll be updating it a bit more often now that I have a solid start. You can view the Blog Here I’ll post when I make changes and thanks everyone for the information posted here as it really helps a beginner.

Ya gotta start some place… :slight_smile: Keep us posted as to your progress. We all like to hear about other’s railroads and see lots of pictures :smiley:


I love stuff like this…I alays find something interesting…plus its inspirational to see other people working…

Warren Mumpower said:
Ya gotta start some place.. :) Keep us posted as to your progress. We all like to hear about other's railroads and see lots of pictures :D


Warren Thank you you are correct with some encouragement from a new friend I have track down and running trains. I have updated the blog here.

Looking good. I favor the “get some track down” method…especially for beginners. Otherwise you can spend 10 years working on a track plan and never run trains. This way you can run trains and modify the layout as you go to meet your needs as you decide what you really want.

More track down, Added a branch leaving the loop.

I see we are moving right along…:slight_smile: I also noticed that “John” now has a last name…:smiley: It’s looking great…and it looks like you are having fun.


Looking good.

Here comes an “HJ” question - addressed to everyone! - what’s the experience with running track under deciduous trees and shrubs? Nice to have the shade, but what about all the leaves?

I’ve seen where some will use a bird netting stretched over the top of the layout to catch the leaves. Just roll the netting back and the leaves are gone off the layout.

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:

Looking good.

Here comes an “HJ” question - addressed to everyone! - what’s the experience with running track under deciduous trees and shrubs? Nice to have the shade, but what about all the leaves?

All those leaves PROVIDE the shade! :wink:

Or, did you mean when they come down? I just blow them off the track, then use a vacuum attachment to pick them up and shred them.

Bruce Chandler said:
Hans-Joerg Mueller said:

Looking good.

Here comes an “HJ” question - addressed to everyone! - what’s the experience with running track under deciduous trees and shrubs? Nice to have the shade, but what about all the leaves?

All those leaves PROVIDE the shade! :wink:

Or, did you mean when they come down? I just blow them off the track, then use a vacuum attachment to pick them up and shred them.


That might work well for deciduous leaves, but it fails when it comes to conifer needles. I agree with Warren, the bird net is the way to go when you have to deal with pine needles.

Once I tried the snow plow. It worked for a while, then needed help.

I like the idea of the netting. In my case I have a mogul not running because it hit a rock on the tracks that a ground squirrel left behind!

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:

Looking good.

Here comes an “HJ” question - addressed to everyone! - what’s the experience with running track under deciduous trees and shrubs? Nice to have the shade, but what about all the leaves?

H-JM , thanks for the drift, just use Bruce Chandlers solution thats why we have the leaf blower. Not passing on a opportunity to plug BATTERY POWER leafs are not a problem for the train that runs on Batteries, the trains turn them into mulch.

Now so far no one has spotted the real problem with my new addition, and there is one, but not for my Heisler. thanks for all the kind comments.

John Neal

Hi John,

A new addition and you didn’t call!!??!! What’s up with that??? I’m glad you are progressing with your layout. I couldn’t get the link to open or to copy. I guess I’ll just have to come over and see it in person. Thanks for sharing your work.

Well not much has happened on the D&R, until now. I have updated my Blog link at end of post. In another post Mario had mentioned he constructed radius templates for me and requested some photos. I have placed one on the blog. Thanks Mario.


Great job on the sub-roadbed. Let’s get that track down and start running some trains!!!

Ok, Work schedule: Move tomato plant tonight ( property owner is balking at this as she says plant will die), lay some more pipe, start laying track tonight or tomorrow, operate trains on Sunday afternoon. Saturday will be an off day as I have to attend the KMYV Air show (work related).


Let me know if you need any help. If you do, I’ll call around to see if I can find anyone willing to work. Hehehehe…

Update: No work accomplished last night due to other obligations, however tonight I was successful in relocating the tomato plant (with the land owners help) corrected the roadbed in question and installed one turnout and one length of track. Laying the tack was a bit frustrating however I believe I have the use of the Train-Li track bender under control. No blog updates but should get around to it by the weekend. Mario, Find any workers yet?


You can always count on me!