Large Scale Central

CVSRy Over-Engineering Dept. proposes to cover Deep Cut

Fred Mills said:
[i][/i] So, Jon; does this mean that you are willing to do more excavation, and add at least a 6 car siding in this moseleum of yours....with the possible rent, it might pay for itself.....[i][/i]
Not until Andy drops by with his backhoe :D I'm just about ready to retire my shovel.

Thanks for your comments Fred. I enjoy all the kidding, but the serious comments are truly appreciated.

And just for Rooster -

No it’s not done yet. Rain forecast for tonight so I’ll be put off again. The final form and rebar cage is built, just waiting for mother nature to give me a 48 hour break.

Jon said:
Rain forecast for tonight so I'll be put off again.
Afraid you'll melt, Jon? :P

I do think Fr. Fred is deceiving you Jon. :wink:

By the time you provide the extra tankcar spaces for the ashes of at least two bawdy broads, and an eternity of holy water supply you will have a train to be reckoned with! A very lo-o-o-ong space indeed.

Fred Mills said:
....neat idea...a mobile urn......I could tour every LS model railroad in the World.
Of course it would have to have metal wheels, in proper gauge, and Kadee body mount couplers.  Nothing but the best for me in the next life  !!!</blockquote>

I would run it “Roundy Round” over multiple bridges without the proper ties and no guardrails. Here on the CVRR

Jon Radder said:
And just for Rooster -

No it’s not done yet. Rain forecast for tonight so I’ll be put off again.


OK, just for Steve, I worked under threat of severe thunderstorms. So far everything is dry :smiley: For the last few days I’ve been working on the last piece of the portal, the face. Originally I wanted to model one of the EBT tunnels, but my terrain is too different, so I decided before I poured the wing walls that I would model the EBT’s utilitarian concrete design, but not an exact replica of any tunnel. A second consideration came into play a week or so ago when I realized that this piece was going to close in the opening making access from the portal end more difficult. I made the decision to try and make this pour a cast-to-fit removable piece. The form work was some of the most complex work on this project to date. Since a fairly large portion will be supported by a relatively thin pice, I decided it would need a serious rebar cage. This is what I came up with for the form and the cage… []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] I used some luan plywood attached to the inside of the form with headless pins to create some EBT style detail… []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] Here is how the rebar cage is supposed to fit in the form. In practice, I added some concrete first, then pushed the cage into it… []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] To keep the concrete from bonding to the existing portal foundation and wing walls, I covered them with plastic and duct tape… []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] The form in place, ready for concrete… []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] I poured using a mixture of concrete and mortar to make it more workable… []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] I’m going to leave the forms in place for several days, and not try lifting the finished piece for at least 5 days. I don’t want to take any chance of cracking it while still green. This is perhaps the most time and material consuming 7 foot of railroad ever built :o I just hope I have it finished in time for Fred’s funeral. The way he’s going that will probably be another 20 years or so. I think I have a slight chance of finishing in time :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I swear I spotted Jimmy Hoffa in there…but it could be a blur in the picture?

David Russell said:
I swear I spotted Jimmy Hoffa in there…but it could be a blur in the picture?

Oops. Good thing I only shot this in JPG mode at 10MP.


Nice work Jon


Took the forms off the portal face. So far it’s looking pretty good. I just need to wait a few more days to be sure it’s cured before lifting it out. The lower portion of the luan ply detail form is still attached. I need to lift the block out to get to an edge to pry it out. Yesterday I decided to pour the roadbed from the existing portal foundation to just under ‘Natural Bridge’ - up to the middle of the rock on thw right in this picture…


It didn’t require enough concrete to drag the mixer out. It doesn’t do well with less than to 80# bags, so used a big blue pail. What a pain. I should have figured out what to do with another bag and used the mixer. Again, I had a little left over so I built the left hand abutment for the future bridge (I’m thinking wood through truss) . By the time I got cleaned up severe thunderstorm was just over the hill. When it started pouring I was busy getting the fresh concrete covered and forgot that all 4 windows on the car were open. It rained heavy for several hours, and again during the night. I didn’t notice the windows until morning :frowning: I spent the day today with the wet vac and towels getting it dried out. The good part is that it was vacuumed and detail cleaned inside for the first time in several years. If I hadn’t of backed into the garage with the lift gate open {crunch}, it would have been a good day :frowning: :frowning: I’ll take more pictures early in the week when the plastic has been removed. A little back fill / grading and I can say the tunnel is done. I still need to finish lining the right (South) side of the cut so I can pour the last of the roadbed. If all goes well that pour may happen next weekend.

Women’s work!

Andy Clarke said:
David Russell said:
Women's work :)
Comere, woman..... :)
I need not say any more.
Jon Radder said:
When it started pouring I was busy getting the fresh concrete covered and forgot that all 4 windows on the car were open. It rained heavy for several hours, and again during the night. I didn't notice the windows until morning :( I spent the day today with the wet vac and towels getting it dried out. The good part is that it was vacuumed and detail cleaned inside for the first time in several years. If I hadn't of backed into the garage with the lift gate open {crunch}
Good luck abandoned you for a couple days :D Probably a good thing you were at home ;) Ralph
Ralph Berg said:
Good luck abandoned you for a couple days :D
Those days aren't over yet.

Today was “reveal day” for the last part of the portal that is supposed to lift out for access. No matter what I did, the casting didn’t want to budge more than a 1/4 inch or so. I failed to take into account the tight side-to-side fit between the wings. After very many whacks with a concrete chisel and numerous attempts at prying, I was finally able to get it free, but not without major cracks at the locations of the heavy re-bar. On the plus side the wire re-bar was still holding everything together once the piece was free.

I think the piece can be salvaged. I chiseled out all the loose concrete around the cracks and began the patch work. I will need to buy a masonry blade for my circular saw in order to trim down the sides and ease the fit. It will also require lots more patch work, but I figure that will just help it look old. If I were to do it over again, I’d use some thin foam where the piece meets on the wings to give me something I could cut out of the way and open up a gap.

I was hoping to take pictures of the portal finished and back-filled this evening. As it turned out I was working on the repair until after sunset, so no pictures today.

A little to wet yesterday for photos, but the sun came out this evening. This is the portal face upside down after being pried out from between the wings. In this photo I have already chiseled away the loose concrete from the cracks in preparation for the repair… []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] Flipped right-side up and viewed as it will be from the tunnel opening and sitting on a cinder block… []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] The top ready for repair… []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] Close up of the face… []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] The underside where repairs have already been started. []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] Hard to see in these shots is where I used a masonry blade in my table saw to trim the right and left sides of the face that hangs down between the wings. Hopefully that will allow the block to go back in place without getting stuck again. After these photos were taken I began the repairs on the top. Tomorrow I’ll attack the face and repair the detail lines as well.

How come I’m not seeing a photo unless I click on where it belongs and then it’s a separate window?

Doug Arnold said:
How come I'm not seeing a photo unless I click on where it belongs and then it's a separate window?
Not sure. My picture server can be slow sometimes. When you click you are getting the enlargement. Does this happen with all my photos, or just the 4 posted today?

Not for me?

I’m seeing the pictures fine. Maybe the server was a bit slow when Doug was viewing.

Keep up the good work Jon