Large Scale Central

Craig's MIK build

…Can I get an Amen!

Off to make the roof support brackets. Kinda hard to see in the photos I shared but there’s two on each end and then a few on the shorter walls that have a roof overhang.

I’m guessing they are 6x6? They look pretty thick. Or maybe just 4x4?

I’ll have to see what size strip stock I have in .100+ and go from there. Worse case I could rip some .125 stock and see what I come up with.

.125 would be fairly close to the .137" for a 4x post.
.100 would be more like 3x stock. And I’m not sure that I’ve seen too many 3"x stock…

1x, 2x, and 4x but don’t ever recall a 3x piece of lumber!

Details, details and more details.

Going slower than I thought but it’s coming along.
Each of the brackets are built to fit.
.125 stock is ripped to .125 square.
Starts with one end cut at 60° to fit under the roof. Then 6’ is cut at a 45°
The 60° end is then filed to fit the trim boards. I ended up adding another top trim board to fill the gap between the roof and the sides.

Then the roof section is measured and cut and then the bracket is cut. 45° on both ends and glued.

Really looking good. And you got a lot done on a big project

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I looked at the photos again and I saw even more details…

I know what it is, but do you? :wink:

My hint is the following: was important when the depot was in active use but the agent was off duty…

Besides the ladder, and the rest of the roof brackets I noticed that I need to install a electrical junction box/meter on the end with the dock. And the dock too… ( It’s helping me write these down)

I don’t see any downspouts from gutters on any of the pictures I have so I’m thinking no gutters, which is odd for W. Washington.

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Any suggestions on how to build the chimneys? This is the last detail that has me stumped at the moment.

I can’t remember the stuff that Ray craves (and don’t have any on hand).

I could try and scribe styrene for bricks but I’ve never tried that either.

Also add, I get to build the train order signal. I think I can do that out of brass. I don’t think I’m going to make the cut off of next Sunday evening to be done.

Toilet paper holder?

Sorry Cliff not that, but it did involve a paper product…

I used some aztek board on my Quonset hut last year for the Mik contest,and a scratch Awl a very nice person not named Devin made for me.

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And a ruler to make brick lines, any sharp object should be able to make the grout lines

the pink foam board. You can cut the grout lines in with a nice sharp #11.

That is a fine looking depot.

Customer comments on the freight they left sitting on the dock while the agent was out :sunglasses:

Not quite.

It’s a waybill box. Here’s some detailed information about waybill boxes.

So its not a place for the customers to complain to the clerk but a place for the conductor to complain to the clerk.

Well I got the roof brackets all done, ladder built and the train order stand. I’m guessing that the actual train order board was removed when the station went out of service.

Last details include the loading dock and chimneys. Still trying to figure out how I want to do those. I’m leaning towards just using styrene and cutting grooves with a Dremel bit.

Even got closer to the paint stage by using up the last of the rattle can primer. I’ve since switch to using Badger airbrush primer that so much nicer.

I might make the deadline after all. If I do that would be the first time I’ve actually completed a project in the timeline!

Photo dump of one photo…

And I wonder why I have piles of scrap styrene?
This is all from just this project. Some will get tossed and some will get sorted back into the piles.


Another tool I have that hasn’t seen daylight in years. Might just drag it out for my exterior finishes.

Keep on plugging 4 days and counting. If I can finish, you can.

I might break out the airbrush tonight if the kids cooperate and go to bed on time. I’ve got some cheap acrylic craft paint that I got for 58 cents a bottle at Walmart. It used to be 50 cents but still cheaper than the $1.25 the same paint is sold for at the fabric store.

Masking the lower color is going to be “fun” with all the battens.

Nyquil that will take care of your herd, lol.

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