Large Scale Central

Corner Office

That turned out great.
It needs a big shed on the back for all his grain hoppers :slight_smile:

Another fine addition to the neighborhood!


I sure hope he’s got a railroad running around the walls of the office… :slight_smile:

Looks great! How did you make the sidewalk?

Ray Dunakin said:
Looks great! How did you make the sidewalk?
Thanks, guys.

Ray, the sidewalk is a LOT less fancy than your beautiful work. :wink:

I used a 3/8" foamed PVC board for the base. I scribed the sidewalk and curb lines in it. Then I painted it with a coat of “Chocolate Froth” - the sample size from Home Depot. I let that dry for a couple of days and then put on a wash of India Ink and alcohol.

I think Bruce’s big secret is that he has a railroad as an excuse to build all these cool buildings.

What I wanna know is who’s going to enter that building with that big ugly cuss standin there…:wink:

That turned out nice…except for the front door…:wink:


Great tip on sidewalk making, Bruce. Looks neat. And the finished store’s not too shabby either.

Thanks, guys.

Joe, my sidewalk is the quick and easy way.

If you want a great looking sidewalk, take a look at the one Ray did:

I had to go back and look at this post again with what you can see through the windows. How many attorneys work at the firm? Only two are coming to York.

Ric Golding said:
I had to go back and look at this post again with what you can see through the windows. How many attorneys work at the firm? Only two are coming to York.
Ric, like all good attorneys, they double bill (triple bill in Andy's case.)

Near as I can tell, only one of them works. But Andy does do a lot of supervision. :wink:

You guys are making me crazy, wanting to send me back to the workbench to finish my hotel, which is just two chimneys and a few porch pillars away from completion. Unfortunately, I have several hundred images sitting in Lightroom, waiting to be fixed and burned onto a DVD so they can be printed–to placate my wife who says, “You shoot hundreds of pictures, but nobody ever gets to see them.” Yeah, well I can see 'em on my screen just fine. “I’m kidding, honey,” heh, heh.

Off Main topic…

Joe: In lightroom use the contact sheet printer to give you big thumb nails(set the size you want) and print to plain paper sheets first and let the wife pick the ones she wants to have… or print 9-UP wallet size on cheep photo paper (Matt paper is cheeper then Glossy). punch them and store in a 3 ring binder for reference.


(cracking up) :slight_smile:

Got this in place today. Here’s the original corner.

I have no idea what I’ll do with that old Piko/Pola building. And the new building in place.

Plus a shot of the 5 & 10 cent store in the background.

The RailRoad must be doing some good, the towns getting bigger…:wink:

Looks like there’s room at the other end of town for the Pola building, that is, if you want to use it…:wink:

Got the Boot Shop installed on mine.

Ahhhh, tis a prime location… Took a bit of swindling, but we made a deal for that corner lot… :slight_smile:

Good looking town, except for that guy in the window :o

nice addition Bruce