Large Scale Central

Corner Office

I have the same problem with the wooden shingle roofs. They’re all irregular and impossible to match up and being a roof they stick out like a sore thumb.

You’ve done a nice job on the joints. The one on the back was pretty easy to spot.
But it took a second look to spot the joint on the right side.
I do believe you’re right. After painting it will be hard to see them. I don’t think you’ll have too many people laying on their belly out in the yard trying to find them :wink:

Looking good, Bruce!

I’ve ordered some of these brick sheets to see how they are. I plan on using them for Goodson’s.

I’ll be interested in those Bob. I’m not sure how Precision Products got their name. The bricks don’t always line up.

Looks like that is going right together for you Bruce. I like the style.

Bruce- Really coming along nicely!!!

Bob- Let us know how those brick sheets from Miniaturetree work out.


Bruce Chandler said:
I'm not sure how Precision Products got their name. The bricks don't always line up.
I forget how many sheets I got when I did my firehouse(six I believe). I tried to line up every different sheet with each other and could not get them lined up.......This still baffles me as I don't understand how they are mass produced??? You would think that at least one pair would match up out of the bunch!

Bruce, Very nice buiding…several years ago my wife and I drove thru several small Georgia towns.They were a treasure trove of unique structures many of them were not updated. Almost like stepping back in time…dave

Working on the roof. I sprayed Krylon textured paint over some 3mm foamed PVC board. I like to vent my buildings; this one has two vents. Once is a “traditional” vent, made from styrene, with a screen on one end to keep the bugs out. The other is a roof hatch acting as a vent. Here, the hatch is not in place. It’s just some boards on a styrene frame. It will cover a hole that’s got a screen behind it. Four vertical supports lift the roof hatch assembly off of the roof by about 1/8", allowing some air to circulate.

The chimney is from Scale Art Models.

Nice roof details. But you better tell your conductor to lay off the booze.

He’s just sleepin’ on the job, yeah, that’s it.

Tee-riffic, Bruce. Your bricks match just fine to me.

I do agree that shingles and such are hard to match. Maybe we should do 'em all from scratch, individually. Not!

And, it’s done! I’ve operated with Jane and Andy for a number of years, as well as run trains on their layout, so it was about time I had a building for them! I’m not sure who will sue me first - Andy and Jane or the Attorneys. :wink:

REAL nifty, I love it.

Bruce that turned out great. Nice addition to your downtown.
PS: If one was in need of legal services, which partner would you hire? :wink:

Another fantastic building

Randy McDonald said:
PS: If one was in need of legal services, which partner would you hire? ;)

Nice build Bruce. Hope to see it in place soon.

Bruce, beautiful building and nice office… We’re both honored. :slight_smile: Of course, Jane gets all the customers…

That looks great Bruce. You really nailed the brick color.

Wonderful Bruce! Now I know where to go for legal services too. :slight_smile: