Large Scale Central

Collecting RR memorabilia

Any body collect full size RR memorabilia ? Wife and I came home with the sign and couple books on O&W RR history. She wants a crossing signal too, the red lights flashing and all.


Oh yeah. RR Crossing sign, 2 switch stands, RR Jack, NG gauge tool, and lanterns, lanterns…

It is a natural addenum sickness to garden railroading :grin:

As to finding an operating flashing light crossing signal, probably very hard to do.

Railroadiana is the proper term, do a web search and be careful…

I liberated a yellow crossing sign the trash pile many years ago working a yard job. The street we crossed was getting rebuilt and was going to be permanently closed. Working the yard job one night I noticed the sign sitting on the ground. After a couple hours of back and forth at the crossing we happened to stop right next to the sign…

I have a few other things I won’t mention that are stashed away. Cheap plastic lanterns make for good emergency lights around the house.

Finally threw out the collection of plastic reversers that always ended up in my bag when we moved a few years ago now.

A friend of mine has a full size crossing signal , and he is looking to sell it , located in Arizona if I remember cross bucks lights and bell, I believe the main stand has been cut down some in height

What part of the country are you in. I’ve had a set of lights in the garage for 20 years. Plans to mount them have never bubbled to the top of the to-do list. To go with them I have a newer set of reflective cross buck signs.

I have several other items, but not a serious collector. One marker lamp and a switch lamp inherited from the neighbor across the street and a longspout oil can from my father in-law. Lots of track scrap like tie plates, spikes and joint bars lie around the garden.

Arizona is a bit far we live in NY east of Binghamton. I would love to visit Arizona but my wife is not a traveler, she gets antsy after two hours in the car. We are going to the show in West Springfield MA in April, it took some convincing from me to get her to agree to go. I am still trying for the one in Midwest Regine Large Scale Train Show in OH, not likely we will go it’s six hours one way.

Jon Radder if you are interested in selling the lights we may be interested in buying, PM me a picture if you can. We can meet at the show in West Springfield if you are going.

Mark -

Let’s talk. I will be at the April show and can bring them. I’ll need to find all the parts (in 3 pieces at the moment for paint). I’ll send a private message & pics so we can discuss off-line.

Two kerosine brakeman’s lanterns, one battery brakeman’s lantern, three switch lock keys, a diesel locomotive reverser-key, and a train order hoop. The battery lantern, switch lock keys, and diesel locomotive reverser-key were all obtained honestly during railroad strikes and my service on the tourist railroad. One kerosine lantern and the train order hoop were purchased. One kerosine lantern was given to me.

Best, David Meashey

OOPS! Forgot the date nails and spikes! Probably about eight all together, many found about two date nails purchased. Also forgot the purchased N&W long-necked oil can.

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I have four lanterns, and a couple signal bits. Plus a couple hundred date nails from the old NYNH&H that ran through the town I grew up in, several generic spikes, one spike from the old Zealand Valley logging railroad, and a couple from the East Branch & Lincoln.

My brother in law had 6 date spikes, and used to work at an industrial plating company, he had them gold plated, but was missing one date to make a nice run of dates. He gave them to me and I found on eBay a missing spike but have not looked into getting it plated, afraid of what it will cost!

Oh yeah. I’m a collector of Virginia & Truckee items. It’s difficult to find original (and affordable) artifacts, but the ephemera for the RR and the Comstock mines which it served are abundant, even after 150 years.

If you dive deep into ephemera, I might suggest that you select a railroad, or genre of items… Otherwise it’s easy to be overwhelmed!

I’m not a collector but have occasionally accepted what others have stolen with no names mentioned Hollywood.

Actually, I’m more into Amstract Art work these days!

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Yes, I have a few of Hollywood’s signs as well! They’re temporarily mothballed though, with my wife’s takeover of the garage… But are intended for the new workshop.

But chose carefully…IMG_8166
…or you may have to print your own.

…or commission art (im assuming a Hawaiian artist?) as Rooster has.

A little self promotion here… I make and sell Narrow Gage Chimes… Wind chimes made from the boiler tubes from NG locos. The tubes are tuned to the same notes as a Nathan 5 Chime whistle. Great Sounds… just ask John R.

I currently have chimes for:
D&RG C-18 - 425,
D&RG T12 -168,
D&RGW C18 - 315,
D&RGW K36 488, 489, 484…

Yep. They sound great, are heavy and LOUD!

Railroadania, probably not a real word, but I stumbled into it years ago and have gathered pieces willy nilly every since.
Oil cans, signs, cross bucks, blinker lights, water barrels, lanterns, locks and keys, bell klanger signals, date nails, spikes, and don’t forget the early post cards of trains and stations as well as old photos. Damn, I have way too much crap piled up around here :smiley:


Do you have a video or sound bite of your chimes?

My wife loves chimes, a sound bit would be great.

If you guys needed a reason to pack your bags or contact a shipping company, here it is…

410 items perfect for birthdays, Christmas etc. up for auction. For those of you celebrating anniversaries I have included a chart to match :grin:

I think only those celebrating their 13th anniversary will have trouble finding a suitable gift.

Mark, I believe you have an anniversary coming up in the next 365 days and your wife has a birthday coming up sometime in the same time period. :grin:

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