Large Scale Central

Chris de Boischaut....Goodbye everybody!

Yes Gary, what comes to mind is something that looks similar to a Salvador Dali watch (bent over an edge) with a large LSC behind it that emits the melting effect.

:wink: :slight_smile:

Ric Golding said:

'Maybe there should be a badge for deleting yourself"

I think there is. Its two pages of people of wondering who this was. My Grandpa had a saying that fits this. He had lots of sayings that fit most of the questions that we ponder.

"IF you think you are so important, stick your hand in a bucket of water and NOTICE the big hole that’s left when you pull it out.

Gary has spoken. Enough said. Now we can move on.

Can we get an ‘Amen’


This thread is becoming another “Titanic” story. How many different ways can the story be told ???

This is page Three Lets Highjack it to something important! Like… Whats next for your Pike?

Good idea Dave.

I’m thinking about modelling a representation of a cranberry bog and am tossing around ideas on how to proceed and of course there is the elevated benchwork expansion I want to do but that is already a topic and the fellas have given me some ideas on how to proceed.

How about you? what is your next RR project?

Joining my inner and outer loops with a cross-over… =x=

I’ve got to finnish the Mtn division, get some cribbing in and ballast the track.



Then onto some mine buildings…

Just a clerical correction to an earlier post: Old Bandit was not “terminated” at MLS, he left on his own accord–apparently enjoying the process of leaving so much he’s done so on multiple occasions. I don’t know if these two individuals are the same person; they do share a common primary language, though I believe Old Bandit was from France, not Quebec.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled de-railing of an otherwise curious 3-page thread.

In my case, I’ve got got to refurbish the buildings I pulled up last Fall that sat on my patio table all Winter long awaiting my attention which was instead turned to a few locomotive projects instead…



This is definitely a very different thread. Why it has lasted as long as it has, has me puzzled…what in heck is the point, or is it people like me, just posting, to try to see some point to it, that keeps it going ?

I think we should all drop the thread, starting NOW, and concentrate on constructive topics, where truly interested people share information, ideas, and friendship…

Steve Featherkile said:



Steve Featherkile said:

Steve Featherkile said:



I second that motion. Please!

Fred Mills said:

This is definitely a very different thread. Why it has lasted as long as it has, has me puzzled…what in heck is the point, or is it people like me, just posting, to try to see some point to it, that keeps it going ?

what is the problem?

if you watch the “relevant” forums, like modelling, rolling stock, etc. - they are at low tide.

(everybody still “recovering” from the modelling challenge, no summer activities yet)

but folks want to communicate.

politics, sex, jokes (or combinations) to fill the vacuum are out of the question.

so a thread like this to bullsh… err, bullfrog… err low-sence-communicate comes just right.

Amen Korm! Little quiet on the modeling/running front. All our snow melted, evey inch…Then 8" today! Uhg!



Bob McCown said:
Well hell, if everyone left because someone here doesnt like them, Id have to leave too.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, A’nt that the truth Brother

Of course I kid cause I care…

5 months? catching up on your summer reading Nick???


Nah. That’s just Nicky’s way of keeping dead threads going…and going…and going. We should make him the mascot of the Battery Mafia…the “Energizer Bunny”?



Here is a classic example of Physics at work. This is a matter of inertia.


Gordon Perrin

Thank you for your 15th post Gordon it was quite informative!