Continuing the discussion from Test angles & backgrounds:
I hope I was able to get this moved to the right thread. I was on @JRad Jon’s photo thread and admiring the juniper bonsai when his plate girder bridge jumped out at me. …and me being the newb just wanted to know everything about the bridge construction, maintenance etc.
Then of course I would have the same questions for the new guys @Joe1 and @Sawburner who clearly come with amazing trestle skills.
Finally there’s all the rest of you established LargeScale Centralians who have built, rebuilt, fixed and replaced bridges over the years who probably have an opinion or two.
I have a large span to cross and I’m debating what will work best for my situation, and of course I always hear @Eric_Mueller whispering in the back of my head to get something up and running…
So here is my question; is it better to make an eyesore that gets the job done, or tool up a bit and learn a new skill, spend some time and have something that I won’t need to Test angles & backgrounds: then crop out of the picture or is there a compromise?