Large Scale Central

Cheap TRACK!

Train-Li just brought out some plastic track. Would be great for battery powered folk, maybe even for gas fired locos, not sure about meths fired ones though!

Since many have a big problem with high track prices and do model indoors this would be a great way to get started. Something to consider. Also good for storage yards/etc.

As cheap as it is, I think it is worth an experiment outside. It is code 332, so would mate up with switches in that scale. Alas, I am code 250. Maybe someone will give it a try and let us know?

I might have some interest if it was sold in smaller quantities. I can’t use 250 feet and wouldn’t cough up $50 to check it out.

Perfect for display track.
Not so for operating on–would miss the clickety-clack at the joints.

I’m told there is a possibility of a traction problem, especially with oil and stuff from live steam.

I have been reading about this on mylage scale. Its intresting and at least someone is trying to keep the hobby affordable. I know if I was just starting out and had no money, I would try that route. I like my electric power and metal rails though. I would love to see how it holds up in the elements. Might be worth getting some to to have especially for indoor layouts.

Shawn said:
I have been reading about this on mylage scale. Its intresting and at least someone is trying to keep the hobby affordable. I know if I was just starting out and had no money, I would try that route. I like my electric power and metal rails though. I would love to see how it holds up in the elements. Might be worth getting some to to have especially for indoor layouts.
Shawn - what have they been saying on mylargescale? I've sent a note to Train-LI-USA asking about the chemical makeup of the plastic and the physical characteristics. I'll post their answer. I wouldn't mind going a step up in rail size if the economies of the track make it possible for me to finally start the out-door layout.

The track is nylon, and very flexible. I have handled it at a show.

I cannot see how it would work except for display track, or storage tracks or VERY light duty with light locos.

It is UV stabilized.

Regards, Greg

The rail is real cheap. But the ties are $1.25 a section, which I assume are around 1 foot.
So 250 feet will be $362.50. Still considerably cheaper than aluminum track.
Indoors, I would give it serious consideration.

It’s listed as DISPLAY TRACK on the site.

I think equating it’s use to metal track is a BIG jump that the manufacturer and distributor has NOT endorsed.

Regards, Greg

They certainly do call it display track. However, from their web-site link above:
" go easily around R3) - run engines on battery and live steam without the expense of metal rails"

I have inquired into the type of “Plastic” used in these rails. I thought I woulr “Test” a few lengths on my pike.

The answer I received was that the rail was produced from a “Plastic” that was NOT UV protected, and therefore NOT intended for outdoor use.

So, I decided that any testing was not of any use.

As far as using these rails for “Live Steam” operation; I’d suggest that any heat associated with a live steamer would not be good for the longetivity of “Plastic Rail”. especially out of doors.

Weird, I was told the ties were UV treated… how strange the rail is not…

We need Axel to come up on the site and give the straight dope…


It will depend on the formulations of the nylon as to what it will with stand.

Ties wouldn’t be a problem as this would be hand laid on the layout I’m planing. Turnouts and crossings would probably need to be a hiybrid - some plastic rail, some metal for durability at the wear points of frogs and points.

For the price, if UV stable, I’d be willing to try some outside.

This was posted by the maker of the plastic rail on the MLS site, sounds interesting:

Hi Guys, I am glad that this product finds interest Let me shed some light on a few questions:

  1. No this rail has not yet been used in Europe, becasue it is made in the USA, so my business partner for the Brass and Nickel ProRail will pick this line up for Europe as well as the American style ties. What we made sure is that we use some quality products, hence the HDPE plastic for the ties, strong rail chairs so that they don’t flip of when you slide rail into the tie strips or bend the rail. Also the color choices (we actually had a few samples also in Christmas Green and Red) and of course we are supporting our TrainBabes with pink rail

  2. The rail itself is actually not made out of HDPE but another very good plastic material (required for some of the flexibility). The material is made out of PVC. To be quite honest “Probieren geht ueber studieren” (old German saying - trying is better than theoretical study) so until we put a thousand hours on that rail and measure the wear we cannot in all honesty make any long term claims. With that said PVC is a very strong material, but yet it is softer than of course brass. So I expect personally some wear, how critical - we have to see. I expect much less wear on straights than in curves, but much less in 10’ curves than 2’ curves. I wish it is suitable for long term use, this would help those who are into life steam and battery power.

Did I forget anything?

Definitely lets have some fun in 2010 -

FYI (although it needs to be in another thread) We will have our brand new ProSwitches R7 - that is basically a #6 switch available in February.

You guyz all try it out and when it does or doesn’t work ya’ll let us know k??? Regal

Ah, Jerry, I thought you were the guy to do that! :slight_smile:

Remember that PVC has about 3 times the linear expansion of brass, leave nice big gaps!

I have not seen that the rail is UV stabilized, the ties are.

Regards, Greg

Jerry Barnes said:
Ah, Jerry, I thought you were the guy to do that! :-)
I used to be the guy, now leaving it to someone else to pay the higher price, and tweak the problems out first!!!! Getting smarter all the time!! Hee Hee Regal

Jerry, had a guy at Thedford contact me, guess he has a live steam Mikado. We plan to meet at Phil’s(he has an elevated line in North Platte) when it’s warmer and help him(Rocky) run his Mike. Was 5 this morning, now clear up to 8 and windy. Global warming where are you? Gore lied.