cobblestones for the yard?
I think you should outline the panther in the courtyard with different topiary or perhaps make it a maze!
I would also like to know what the flathead is in the picture?
" Rooster " said:
I think you should outline the panther in the courtyard with different topiary or perhaps make it a maze!
I would also like to know what the flathead is in the picture?
That would be a funny maze
The flathead’s out of a 1930 Model A Ford. I bought it as a backup before I sold the car to move to Kansas and pursue an Auto Restoration degree at McPherson College. Now I’m thinking that I’ll turn it into an “open motor” (see
Here’s my color test
You can see where the archway needs a touch up
Obviously it’s still somewhat rough. I think I need a third color (between the two shades I used) to get a better blending of colors. Right now there’s too much contrast between the darker and lighter stones. In addition, I need to go over it and be sure that the stones are completely painted–there are still a few sports where the white primer shows and some painted stones weren’t completely covered. Also, I need to paint the window frames, doors, etc and put some “stained glass” behind the arched windows in the chapel.
The next big step is to attempt to texture the PVC towers with my dremel.
Another thing that would add to the rustic texture you have done so well, is to soften the corners of everything - round off the sharp edges. that will really make it pop!
This is coming out awesome. But I think Andrew is right. If this is an “old” castle, then softening the edges will help and also considering removing a stone here and there and crumble off and edge or two. But thats only if it is an old aging structure.
But your doing great. Very cool building.
Very cool!
That is really neat!
That looks real nice. You could mix the darker stone colour and lighter stone colour together to get your third colour. That way it will be in the “palette”.
More progress…
I made some window “outlines” with MagicSculpt epoxy putty. I formed them on spare sections of PVC to get the curvature right, then textured them to have a stone-like look. I’ve painted the centers black, but may do something else to make them look better (possibly acrylic with lites, still thinking it through).
I also added chimneys, made the same way as the walls–with foam textured using hot wire. I got a little tan paint on the roof, and I need to add brass tube to represent the clay pipes in the tops.
The front turret top with battlements.
Here’s the door in the inside wall of the turret.
And an overview of the current state
There’s still quite a bit to be done, but it’s coming along.
Stuff still to do:
- I’m thinking of some flickering effect LEDs in wall sconce “torches” flanking the gate.
- I also need to paint the window surrounds with different colors–right now they’re the single base color I painted everything with. Same for the chimneys
- Another coat of paint on the roof and interior of the walls.
- “Stained glass” for the chapel windows.
- Fill between turrets and walls with caulk, then texture and paint
- If I want lights in the turret windows, I’d have to cut them out with the dremel… which seems like a lot of work.
- Need to decide on what the courtyard “ground” will be, then do it and install the well/drain
- Flag pole and flag on top of the front turret–and possibly a trap door in the “floor” of the top
I’m sure there’s more
Nice work Dan!
Now all it needs to complete the scene is an epic cathedral with 5 dozen flying buttresses and a four foot tall steeple and a baroque pipe organ sound system. (
Honestly, though, this is a great project to be watching come together.
Do have a question about the caulking fill - is there low tack masking tape, which won’t pull off the stone paint, that you can use to control where edges of the caulk bead go?
With drainage well in courtyard would there be room without crowding to put a statue representing someone in the castle’s history? The Duke of Peeveesee or something?
Looks great! You need a Rapunzel figure hanging out of the tower window.
Forrest Scott Wood said:
Now all it needs to complete the scene is an epic cathedral with 5 dozen flying buttresses and a four foot tall steeple and a baroque pipe organ sound system. (
Honestly, though, this is a great project to be watching come together.
Do have a question about the caulking fill - is there low tack masking tape, which won’t pull off the stone paint, that you can use to control where edges of the caulk bead go?
I usually buy the caulk in the plastic tubes (not in the cardboard tubes that go in a caulk gun) and cut the tip so there’s just a pinhole opening. That helps to ensure that it mostly goes where I want in the quantity I want. I’ve also used wet paper towels/rags to get off the excess. I’m going to use tan caulk so that it won’t be as critical that it’s all perfect.
I hadn’t thought of it, but I probably could use some of the green frog tape… I think I have a roll somewhere.
Sounds like a plan coming together. (
I was thinking it needed a dragon. Or at the very least a knight or two.
Andrew Moore said:
Another thing that would add to the rustic texture you have done so well, is to soften the corners of everything - round off the sharp edges. that will really make it pop!
Rounded off enough for you Andrew ? We know how to “round off” an old castle here in he UK ( seriously, that is a very nice bit of modelling. Can’t wait to see the finished article. Max
Thanks for all the ideas and encouragement.
Here’s more progress:
The well/drain is in place. I added a “statue” of a knight by the door (William Marshall, perhaps? You can’t read the plaque ( I’m not aware of any famous figures from the history of Ruritania / Graustark, so I’m not really sure who this is. More research needed, I suppose.
This one’s a closeup that came out a little fuzzy. The plaque is actually a little piece of brass, which will hopefully weather to a nice bronze patina once outside.
And another where you can see his position next to the arcade.
I’ve also started on the transition between the castle level and ground by making a ramp.
I haven’t decided what to do about this. I might add stone texture to the sides so it looks like a ramp that was constructed after the moat was filled, or possibly round off the edges so that it just looks like a dirt ramp.