Devon labeled some of us “butt modelers”. I guess that means that we talk a lot about modeling, but we just sit on out butts. Now we all know “experts” like that, the person who knows everything about everything and will tell you so, but after all of the talk, we find out that they haven’t actually done anything. Now before I walk around with a label like that, and I did put it in my signature, I figured I would show Mr Devon, that I am just a butt modeler.
Today I started a project that I wanted to do last year. But funds would not allow me to.
Last yea my new neighbor put up an 8 foot high, vinyl fence. We call it the “Great White Wall”. Sue, my new neighbor, made comments that suggested that I could be sitting in my backyard, looking into her bedroom window. I sit in my backyard and watch the trains, the planes on final approach to County Airport, the wildlife, and I daydream. I never even considered looking into her bedroom window. Now with the great white wall, its not even a possibility, and I get a semi-private backyard.
Anyway, I started digging a trench along the great white wall. I lined the trench with weed cloth, and put plastic edging on the sides. Then I filled the trench with pond stone.
Of course I picked the hottest day of the year, so far, to do this in.
I still have a long way to go.
The reason for this, is so that I do not have to risk damaging the great white wall with my weed-wacker. I will not use the weed-wacker on her vinyl wall, for fear of damaging it. The stone filled trench should keep grass and weeds from growing alongside of the great white wall, making it look a lot nicer.
Now for the model railroading part; the dirt that I am accumulating by digging this trench, is being used to build up the railroad’s fills and filling in the future site of the town of Fair Haven.
So, here I proudly sit on my butt, telling Yunz all that I done did today. And rejoicing in my well deserved title of “Butt Modeler”.
This post is meant to be all in fun, and is to be in no way interpreted as an insult, or derogatory reference, to any person, living or dead. So there.