Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

David Maynard said:

So, is it done yet?

There is time for that, First off we are so glad He’s not done yet!

For me being pain free for 2 consecutive days is a distant memory…

I am encouraged Devon is on the mend. Hurry up buddy!

We need to goad!

Hmmm where did I leave my goad???

Did the goat eat it ?

Sean McGillicuddy said:

Did the goat eat it ?

I doubt it, I was sharpening it the other day.

Geez can’t leave you children alone for one minute.

Here are the new plantings

Not everything in the bed is new. A few of the plants are from last year, but most of them are. And a couple from last year got a trim. I bought a six pack of ground cover I have never seen before. Its called Corsican Mint. Its a creeper a lot like a creeping thyme but has a great mint smell. It likes full sun which is a good thing. The area above will get a few more “trees” but I am hoping the minty lawn will fill in the rest. I want this to be a mountain meadow sort of feel.

Today I started the ballasting. I got about have the track done. I buy crushed Basalt and sift out the larger stuff for the walk ways and use the fines for the track. It takes a long time to sift, haul, and then spread that stuff. I bought a half yard and have about a 1/3 of the pile gone through. I think that will be enough by the looks of it. It sure does feel good to be productive and not feeling to bad for it.

Oh and meet Pepper. She is my new friend. A Blue Heeler pup. We already had two dogs but neither of them preferred me. Instead they preferred my wife. Since being sick I was hoping to get a companion animal that would hang out with me. I find my dogs to be very therapeutic. Well this has been a success, Pepper is my dog for sure. Is always by my side. She has way more energy than me which is a double edge sword because she gets me out of my funk when I play and rough house with her, but on the other hand I can’t quite keep up with her.

I also today took inventory of my cars and got most of them out and in the yard. I set up 4 operations scenarios using cars that will be out on the layout and a bunch in the yard. Simple operations nothing fancy but will give guests something to actually work at.

Great Devon

1st Love your new friend … great name

2nd I really like that gate with the wheel

3rd You’re outside having fun and doing things you like …. Are you BBQing also …

Nice work. (

Sean McGillicuddy said:

Great Devon

1st Love your new friend … great name I didn’t name her the previous owners did. She is the product of a broken home, where no one was paying any attention to her. She had no fenced yard so she spent a good deal of time in a kennel. They were good people, just had no business owning a dog. She was well treated physically, but I think she was a lonely dog and we bonded in their front yard and she had no problem going home with me. She followed me straight to my truck and got in.

2nd I really like that gate with the wheel It matches another gate (with real wagon wheels) that leads to our garden.

3rd You’re outside having fun and doing things you like …. Are you BBQing also … At least two to three times a week.

…. Are you BBQing also … At least two to three times a week.

oh, oh…

don’t you know about the new nutrition guidelines?

“if it tastes good - spit it out!”

Glad to see you enjoying your RR. It seems you are providing as much comfort and joy to Pepper as she is for you. Y’all make a great team. If you keep going, you’re gonna fool around and have a real “garden” RR.

Yea Devon, someday I hope to have a dog. We had Midget for 17 1/2 years, she was mommy’s dog. Now we have Biscuit, and he is mommy’s dog. Someday I may have a dog.

Dan Hilyer said:

Glad to see you enjoying your RR. It seems you are providing as much comfort and joy to Pepper as she is for you. Y’all make a great team. If you keep going, you’re gonna fool around and have a real “garden” RR.

Dan, Pepper and I are turning out to be great buds. Everyone else is annoyed by her because she is very much a puppy still and heelers tend to be a bit hyper anyway. But I love it, she is a tough little dog that gives as good as she gets. We are pretty dang rough with one another and I usually come out on the worse end. Sunday she left a pretty decent tear in my hand after biting me; but it was my own fault as i was yanking on her cheek. My wife says I am too rough with her as I am the one bleeding. In between our fights she also gives me hugs and kisses. She is a great dog. It is nice to come home from a hard day at work with a headache and be greeted by her and then go hangout on the RR or whatever else we are doing.

Although as the giant wolf that roams the layout she needs to learn to not nose the loco off the tracks when it goes by.

David Maynard said:

Yea Devon, someday I hope to have a dog. We had Midget for 17 1/2 years, she was mommy’s dog. Now we have Biscuit, and he is mommy’s dog. Someday I may have a dog.


I haven’t had a dog since I was about 12. We had a blue mural Australian shepherd that was mine, we did everything together. I even made him a harness to pull a wagon or sled and he would help me on my paper routes. After that Every dog I have had in my company has bonded with someone else. But Pepper is my dog 100%. Which is nice and very therapeutic. She has already helped me through some rough spells. Its amazing how a dog can do that.

She has made you her buddy … who else is going to cleanup after her …(

Sean McGillicuddy said:

She has made you her buddy … who else is going to cleanup after her …(

thats actually the truth of it. We (my wife and son and I) decided from square one that I had to care for her 100%. So I do clean up after her, I discipline her, I love her (not that they ignore her but I make a point of spending all my time with her) and I feed her separate from the other dogs so that I am the hand that feeds her. Plus she does like men more than women. I am the only one that gives her treats at least for now. We made sure we bonded before anyone else. It was intentional and has seemed to have worked.

So Devon has a new excuse…Pepper … Hey were are you … We want them pics…

You could at least post a pic of you and Pepper ,in the railroad , holding your controller / watching trains with your tin hat on and smiling… , (

How about my grand nephew, daughter (holding him), and niece. This was yesterday at my son’s graduation party. My niece is a professional sign language interpreter and is teaching him sign. He only has a few vocal words but his sign vocab is ever growing. And she taught him the sign for train. He followed me around all afternoon signing train. Threw a for when it was time for him to go home.

A couple other projects in the works besides the lifting bridge are to erect a pole with insulator cross arms (seen in the photo) and fill them with insulators my dad gave me (he collects them). That pole will also hold some area lighting. I also am colecting supplies for the drip irrigation system. those three projects are the summers tasks on the CR&N.