Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

for = fit

Well after a year an 67 pages I think it is time to call this project ā€œdone.ā€ Sure it will never be done, but as a friend suggested, for the purpose of an ā€œarticleā€ I think we have done this to death. Of course I will have continual updates, you canā€™t shut me up that easy, but for the purpose of a build log this is it. We are sticking a fork in it and calling it done. And I am adding the same video here, as I posted in the video section, as a feather in the cap. Thanks to all that helped with advice, suggestions, gentle prodding, not so gentle prodding, and out right peer pressure. With out the community here and the local club cheering me on I doubt I ever would have completed this.

The very best part of this project, what has truly made it a success, is the kids that come to my house and get excited and want to run trains. I have repeat customers already. And on another high note, this area of my yard has always been a neglected eye sore with no real good use. Now even my wife is happy the train is in because even though she takes no personal interest in trains, she like that guests like it and that this part of the yard is now part of our backyard environment.

Welcome to the Coeur dā€™Alene Railway and Navigation Company. Anytime anyone is in my neck of the woods look me up for a personal tour/ops session.

I think you have merely checked off the First Part of your Creation.

I know you havenā€™t finished your Howe and there will be buildings and such to add ā€¦

How many years ago was it when I warned you about such declarations? We know God gets a chuckle ā€¦

ā€˜July 2017 targetā€¦ June 2018 realityā€™

Been two years ā€¦

Announcing the; Is it done yet, Part Two; Bringing the Road to life.

I canā€™t wait!

John Caughey said:

I think you have merely checked off the First Part of your Creation.

I know you havenā€™t finished your Howe and there will be buildings and such to add ā€¦

How many years ago was it when I warned you about such declarations? We know God gets a chuckle ā€¦

ā€˜July 2017 targetā€¦ June 2018 realityā€™

Been two years ā€¦

Announcing the; Is it done yet, Part Two; Bringing the Road to life.

I canā€™t wait!

It will never be done john. But the original purpose of the ā€œArticleā€ was to provide a build log fro start to ā€œfinish.ā€ Not to be a perpetual ongoing article of all the happenings on my RR. Sure there is lots left to do, and redo, and redesign. And it will all be recorded in the pages of LSC. I canā€™t wait to bring it to ā€œlifeā€ as well. Now that the basic bones of the thing are in, I can focus on what I really like doing which is the details. That will be the fun part. Maybe even a Fink in its future. That kept me up last night.

I donā€™t know about some guys not wanting you to have your day in the sun. I for one was happy to see you actually running your railroad. Improvements are an ongoing thing on any railroad. Just look at what John is accomplishing at his place! Have we seen a video of his latest reincarnation of his railroad yet? I donā€™t think so (I could be wrong), but he never pinned a finish date on it either. (John, just pulling your chain) (

Oh yea. A ā€œset in stoneā€ completion date is a sure fire way to have the powers that be make sure it takes longer.

Joe Zullo said:

I donā€™t know about some guys not wanting you to have your day in the sun. I for one was happy to see you actually running your railroad. Improvements are an ongoing thing on any railroad. Just look at what John is accomplishing at his place! Have we seen a video of his latest reincarnation of his railroad yet? I donā€™t think so (I could be wrong), but he never pinned a finish date on it either. (John, just pulling your chain) (

Since Iā€™m a perpetual builder, a date would be folly, besides thatā€™s a date somebody else will fill inā€¦ when the old sourdough punches his last ticket. I do have a short vid of a loco on my phone, but itā€™s as shaky as can beā€¦

Best vids were when my two late friends came over and ran their trains here. Boy I wish they could come againā€¦(

Oh yeah, Devon; great job and an outstanding finish.

Iā€™m happy for you.

Devon Sinsley said:


I would like to piont everyoneā€™s attention to this small detail posted last year. The title of this article is Building the CR&N Deadline: July 2017. I donā€™t want to go looking for it but at no point did I say that finished meant landscaping and buildings and all that it will ever have. I remember distinctly making the comment that I would not have all of the decorating done, all I wanted was a working layout. Which I had, by the deadline. Now you may not have gotten photo evidence of it but that is of no concern to me because you could have come and seen it for yourself. So if you havenā€™t then poo on you. Now there are a few details to attend to. Painting and putting doors on the yard cabinet. Two of the sidings need to be put in, bridges, building, drip irrigation, lighting, etc. But I am running trains on the majority of what will be my layout. Problem is I am two busy running trains to work on the other stuff.

John Caughey said:

Joe Zullo said:

I donā€™t know about some guys not wanting you to have your day in the sun. I for one was happy to see you actually running your railroad. Improvements are an ongoing thing on any railroad. Just look at what John is accomplishing at his place! Have we seen a video of his latest reincarnation of his railroad yet? I donā€™t think so (I could be wrong), but he never pinned a finish date on it either. (John, just pulling your chain) (

Since Iā€™m a perpetual builder, a date would be folly, besides thatā€™s a date somebody else will fill inā€¦ when the old sourdough punches his last ticket. I do have a short vid of a loco on my phone, but itā€™s as shaky as can beā€¦

Best vids were when my two late friends came over and ran their trains here. Boy I wish they could come againā€¦(

Oh yeah, Devon; great job and an outstanding finish.

Iā€™m happy for you.

John, I plan to be a perpetual builder also. This is not only just reality its is the desire. I donā€™t want this to be ā€œdoneā€. I like you plan to work on it all the way to the grave. Running trains is only so much fun. creating and dreaming are far more entertaining. My fixed deadline was only because I wanted to have it running for a club meeting which would have been a reality had my health not gone south. We could have had trains on it by the intended deadline. Now that the ā€œdeadlineā€ has come and past I like you will have no more deadlines when it comes to my RR. Just not how I want it to be. Like you I want to do what I want, how I want, on my time table.

I know you are, and always have been, in my corner. We have a history no one else knows about that keeps us both going.

Devon Sinsley said:

Devon Sinsley said:


I would like to piont everyoneā€™s attention to this small detail posted last year. The title of this article is Building the CR&N Deadline: July 2017. I donā€™t want to go looking for it but at no point did I say that finished meant landscaping and buildings and all that it will ever have. I remember distinctly making the comment that I would not have all of the decorating done, all I wanted was a working layout. Which I had, by the deadline. Now you may not have gotten photo evidence of it but that is of no concern to me because you could have come and seen it for yourself. So if you havenā€™t then poo on you. Now there are a few details to attend to. Painting and putting doors on the yard cabinet. Two of the sidings need to be put in, bridges, building, drip irrigation, lighting, etc. But I am running trains on the majority of what will be my layout. Problem is I am two busy running trains to work on the other stuff.

yea yea yea, yadda yadda blah blah. Without pictures it didnā€™t happen. You know the rules.

Apparently it takes photos, video, a Nat Geo documentary, and a congressional letter of approval for you Maynard. BTW where are the pictures of the deer damaging your tracks, Hmmmmm, guess it didnā€™t happen and you just are to busy Devoning to run trains and donā€™t want to admit it. More Butt Modeling I see.

Well Played Devon ā€¦Well Played .(

Devon Sinsley said:

Apparently it takes photos, video, a Nat Geo documentary, and a congressional letter of approval for you Maynard. BTW where are the pictures of the deer damaging your tracks, Hmmmmm, guess it didnā€™t happen and you just are to busy Devoning to run trains and donā€™t want to admit it. More Butt Modeling I see.

The rule is, without pictures it didnā€™t happen. I didnā€™t make the rules.

I did post pictures of the damage.

As for Butt Modeling, I am in the process of building a new bridge, and I went rock fishing so that I have rock to build/rebuild the abutments.

David Maynard said:

Devon Sinsley said:

Apparently it takes photos, video, a Nat Geo documentary, and a congressional letter of approval for you Maynard. BTW where are the pictures of the deer damaging your tracks, Hmmmmm, guess it didnā€™t happen and you just are to busy Devoning to run trains and donā€™t want to admit it. More Butt Modeling I see.

The rule is, without pictures it didnā€™t happen. I didnā€™t make the rules.

I did post pictures of the damage.

As for Butt Modeling, I am in the process of building a new bridge, and I went rock fishing so that I have rock to build/rebuild the abutments.

You didnā€™t post pictures of the deer. So as a far as I know YOU did the damage just to get out of having to run trains. No pictures of deer= no deer damage. Besides how long ago was that. Its June. Lets get with the program. Is it done yet.

Devon Sinsley said:

ā€¦No pictures of deer= no deer damage. ā€¦

Santa doesnā€™t allow pictures.

Devon Sinsley said:

David Maynard said:

Devon Sinsley said:

Apparently it takes photos, video, a Nat Geo documentary, and a congressional letter of approval for you Maynard. BTW where are the pictures of the deer damaging your tracks, Hmmmmm, guess it didnā€™t happen and you just are to busy Devoning to run trains and donā€™t want to admit it. More Butt Modeling I see.

The rule is, without pictures it didnā€™t happen. I didnā€™t make the rules.

I did post pictures of the damage.

As for Butt Modeling, I am in the process of building a new bridge, and I went rock fishing so that I have rock to build/rebuild the abutments.

You didnā€™t post pictures of the deer. So as a far as I know YOU did the damage just to get out of having to run trains. No pictures of deer= no deer damage. Besides how long ago was that. Its June. Lets get with the program. Is it done yet.

I also didnā€™t post picture of me gluing together the bridge parts, just pictures of them glued together. So now are you going to say someone else is building my bridge while I just sit on my butt? I donā€™t know about your part of the planet, but round these parts deer come out mostly at night. Mostly at night I sleep. So I never saw the hoofed rat in question, ah, um, deer in question.

I am trying to get with the program. There were other factors that delayed the rehabbing of the railroad. If they had not come into play, I would be running trains by now.

No, not yet. Soon. (notice I did not put a hard and fast date on that answer.)

David Maynard said:

No, not yet. Soon. (notice I did not put a hard and fast date on that answer.)

Fair enough. And I am sorry the hooved demons destroyed your layout. I have already witnessed what one little agile 30# blue heeler can do. I canā€™t imagine equally agile 300# deer playing on my layout. i do hope you get it up an running. Soon.

Heck a couple of quarter-pounders buried mine! Covered 2 cars; a caboose and cattle car. Seemed like overnight.

We all have a cross to bear, 11am and itā€™s 95F and climbing ā€¦ at least I found the wind blown bent!(

You live in far to hostile environment for me.

Devon Sinsley said:

You live in far to hostile environment for me.

Makes me the sweet lovable old coot that I am!