Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

I surely hope you can accomplish this goal. It will be good for you. (

That sounds like a relaxing weekend. I hope your plans go unhindered. Now, if you get the brisket cooked and the pain gets to be too much, give me a holler, and I will gladly come pick it up ( I’d hate to see it go to waste. Have fun this weekend.

Well I was able to get quite a bit done today. Good weather and decent health allowed me to finish all the spring clean up. Leaves gone, weeds gone, round up sprayed on what was left. Track inspected and it survived winter well. Got some cars out and in the yard. I am ready to run some trains except my son “borrowed” my charger an I have no idea where it is. Hopefully when he gets home I will be able to charge my loco. If that happens then my future son-in-law’s little brothers will be coming over tomorrow and we will run trains. I will be up about 7 to throw the brisket on.

Man it feels good to have a productive day for a change. It was not pain free by no means but I managed.

If all goes well I will have a video soon.

WooHoo! Glad to see you back in the fray!! Hope you ahve a great day tomorrow, I should be there in time for brisket!!! LOL

Brisket was excellent. Got the loco charges and ran some trains with the boys. Need to do a bit of wheel gauging and fix some minor track issues but we had a good time building trains in the yard and taking them for a spin and then returning to the yard to do it all over again. I have pics, no video yet, but soon. Need to pay Bob, inkeep forgetting, so I can upload pics.

But all in all it was nice to play trains and share it with some young people. Took a lot out of me and now it’s time for bed.

Glad to see you running trains again. Well, I guess I didn’t really see you running trains since no pics ( Also, I failed to get the invite for the brisket. I had my jet fueled up and sitting at the end of the runway ready to take off as soon as the invite arrived. Guess I can go back home and eat a bologna sandwich for supper ( Really, good to see you having fun again. Keep it up.

Okay so I had enough room in the frieghtshed to get a few pic loaded to share. So Spring clean up was a success. Still need to haul in crushed basalt and fill where it has settled, but other than that things are good.

And I had my future son-in-laws little brothers over to run trains Sunday.

I can’t remember their names but this is the younger one and he had a ball. He would build a train in the yard and then take it for a spin. Come back build another, and make another lap. He worked at it for about two hours solid. The other brother ran one train and quickly got bored. But this one by the end of the day had switching figured out. I told him next time he comes over we will do some real operations. He seemed eager.

Oh and I definitely have a few track issues or wheel gauging issues. far to many derailments. I am suspecting wheels need to be gauged.

That looks really good!

" He rose from the Dead " comes to mind… Great work Devon ….

RR looks fantastic Devon. Great to see the younger generation enjoying the hobby.


Don’t you own a caboose yet? All I see running is strings of cars.

Joe Zullo said:


Don’t you own a caboose yet? All I see running is strings of cars.

Several just none with Kadees. Geez some people just can’t be happy. Takes to long to build, need to get trains on it, no caboose. Geez (

Devon, my grandpa used to say some people woul complain if they were hung with a silk rope!

Looking pretty darn good Devon. Nice job! Hope your little helpers let you run some trains too, not just watch!

Jim Rowson said:

Looking pretty darn good Devon. Nice job! Hope your little helpers let you run some trains too, not just watch!

Yeah Jim I “tested” the track for about an hour or so. I also “showed” them how to do it for about another half an hour. I Wouldn’t mind having a little op session for my self soon.

Joe Zullo said:


Don’t you own a caboose yet? All I see running is strings of cars.

What the heck? No caboose and no ballast…somebody get the silk rope out quick!

Devon Sinsley said:

Joe Zullo said:


Don’t you own a caboose yet? All I see running is strings of cars.

Several just none with Kadees. Geez some people just can’t be happy. Takes too long to build, need to get trains on it, no caboose. Geez (


Devon Sinsley said:

Oh and I definitely have a few track issues or wheel gauging issues. far to many derailments. I am suspecting wheels need to be gauged.

I just tell 'em I model for accuracy, back in the day engines carried rerailers, because they used them!

DRG’s Mudhens waddled a bit, but they also spent a lot of time on the ground, to earn that nickname.

John Caughey said:

Devon Sinsley said:

Oh and I definitely have a few track issues or wheel gauging issues. far to many derailments. I am suspecting wheels need to be gauged.

I just tell 'em I model for accuracy, back in the day engines carried rerailers, because they used them!

DRG’s Mudhens waddled a bit, but they also spent a lot of time on the ground, to earn that nickname.

That explanation works for me.