Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

So do we have to chip in and buy you a hardhat?

what is this heretic words, ā€œIts not a top priorityā€ they must have scrambled some things when putting the wiring in and the valves.

I think all of us, with a couple of exceptions want to see you back and well as can be, so a little slack is given.

Perhaps the soft top model ā€¦

Well for reasons you all know, I have not done much with the RR. I was just glad to have it in and running by years end last year. Its not done. I have a few spurs to finish this year and some painting to do. The weather has sucked and so has my health. But I did get out on the layout this weekend to start the clean up. I have about half of the area cleaned up and weeded before I could no longer take the pain in my side. After I clean up and weed the other half I will need to do some considerable ballasting and filling. As expected there has been some significant settling. Thank gosh for the ladder system because my track all looked great. All looks level and attached and no worse for the wear. It just settled around the ladder. Not a big deal a half a yard of crushed basalt should do me nicely.

I am also building a down and dirty camera car to push my cell phone around the track with. I should have a virtual tour put together soon. I just seriously need some buildings and landscaping now. But that will be the fun part. Building it nearly killed me last year.

You know the rule: photos or it didnā€™t happen!! Now get back out there and put all the clutter and weeds back where they came from and take some before pictures ( Be thankful you only have to pull a few weeds, do a little cleaning, move a little dirt and do a little ballasting. Hell, I know a guy who has had to have brain surgery, literally, give up caffeine, is going blind and on top of all that, the cherry on top, he has to lose some weight and he hasnā€™t complained once. You could be walking in his sho ā€¦ Oh, wait a minute ā€¦ you are walking in those shoes! ( ignore me.

Maybe working on the RR will give you some relief from all the issues and pain you have been going through lately. If not actual relief, at least it may get your mind of of it for a few minutes. I can hope canā€™t I? Looking forward to the video of the layout. Can you make it one of those 360 degree videos?

Devon Sinsley said:

I am also building a down and dirty camera car to push my cell phone around the track with. I should have a virtual tour put together soon. I just seriously need some buildings and landscaping now. But that will be the fun part. Building it nearly killed me last year.

Whine Whine Whineā€¦It built your character !!

" Building it nearly killed me last year."

Tsk tsk, little buddy, we never even think that! We know it saved your life! Why without the drive to Get 'er Done, you wouldnā€™t have fought off that horrible pain and maintained your winning attitude!

Meds can cloud yore thinker, so Iā€™m here to help rerail your drivers.

All Aboard!

Sean McGillicuddy said:

It built your character !!

Yes it did. Only that character turned out to be that of a grumpy fart.

John Caughey said:

" Building it nearly killed me last year."

Tsk tsk, little buddy, we never even think that! We know it saved your life! Why without the drive to Get 'er Done, you wouldnā€™t have fought off that horrible pain and maintained your winning attitude!

Meds can cloud yore thinker, so Iā€™m here to help rerail your drivers.

All Aboard!

This is actually very true John. Had I not had the push to ā€œget er doneā€ I probably would have laid in bed all last summer. I still look at all I did and think back to how bad my head hurt, the number of hours that I just sat in the middle of my mess wishing to get some relief, and then getting up and plugging at it again. I donā€™t often praise myself, I am my biggest critic, but I am actually proud of myself for sticking with it. It did keep me going.

And much of that push came from you guys. And I thank you for it. The not so gentle nudging really did give me the motivation to stay with it. So thank you all for being my buds and ā€œhelpingā€ me get it done.

Motivation or a desire to rub their faces in it when you could say ā€œitā€™s running , on time , under budget, and itā€™s just like I said it would be, neener neener neener!!! Is some variation of that. Glad th quitting caffeine helped! All the coffee money can go to RR building now!

Devon Sinsley said:

Sean McGillicuddy said:

It built your character !!

Yes it did. Only that character turned out to be that of a grumpy fart.

Be careful there Devon. At our age, never trust a fart. It usually ainā€™t.

Devon Sinsley said:

And much of that push came from you guys. And I thank you for it. The not so gentle nudging really did give me the motivation to stay with it. So thank you all for being my buds and ā€œhelpingā€ me get it done.

Is it done yet ? Image result for Poking a Bear with a Stick

lol, thanks Sean

Yea, is it? We was planning a celebration here on the P&CS last year, for when you drove the golden spike. That never happened. This year, the P&CS may not open till later in the summer. Too much deer damage happened this winter, and it needs to be addressed.

Deer have rights too Maynard

They keep wrecking my railroad and they may find they have the right to a dinner at my house. (

I had some track that needed to be replaced thanks to some deerā€¦

David Maynard said:

They keep wrecking my railroad and they may find they have the right to a dinner at my house. (

Weather is supposed to be nice this weekend. Clean up will continue, the cars will come out and be staged in the yard, and the loco will be on the charger. Just need to add some trucks and couplers to camera car and it will be ready. God willing and if the body holds out the goal is to put a brisket on the BBQ Sunday and run trains. I am not holding my breath. But thats the plan.