Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

Ahh I see, it blocks weeds but not trains… silly me!


Weed block and netting all secured up to this point. About the half way point. I have one more wide board that I am using for the face that I can put on and get the screen and weed block to that point. But I also have the boards that the track will lay on. so I can start laying track through this section until payday when I can get more boards.

That’s all looking pretty nice Devon. I’m looking forward to seeing the layout in person at our August club meeting. Keep up the good work.

With all this progress you might be able to run trains in August Chuck. Looking good Devon. Nice to see it moving along (

Gee, its starting to come together.

Awesome looking

As soon as I get ahold of my computer I will upload the recent progress. I have the wye track in and the four turnouts to connect it to the yard. All that is really left now as far as track is concerned is the temporary lift bridge on the tip of the wye and the track to.connext the wye to the lower section. Included in that will be three spur tracks. In order to get it all in I need to rebuild/construct three switches. I have no doubt by my birthday the layout will be operational.

Edit: Here are the pic.

The yard needed a bit of tweaking on the far end since I did away with the 5 way. So I had to re-align the ends. I will still do some re-arraigning of the yard at some point to smooth things out.

Coming out of the yard onto the bench

The Wye

Looking back on the wye. If you notice in the inside corner I had to actually lay the track outside of the bench work a bit. This was to get the tip of the wye to line up with where it needs to cross the path. So I notched the side and I will build a little bridge of some sort to make it look decent.

I jut finished another switch tonight that will be for a spur that leads off one of the yard branches and head into the open space between the yard and wye. In the foreground of this pic is another open spot that will have a siding as well.

Looking like you will meet your goal! (

Joe Zullo said:

Looking like you will meet your goal! (

All that is in the way is about 15 feet of track. Then I can run trains. I have no doubt I will meet my goal. This weekend is payday and I will buy the remaining PVC boards I need to finish the bench work. I already have the redwood for the rest of the ladder. I have two switches that need to be made. Really it is very close. Should be two weekends I think.

Looks good, Devon… But, the main question still remains… ““Is it done yet??””… hehehe (

Is there going to be a tail for that wye?

You speed readers need to slow down

Yes there will be a tail added.

A notch was mentioned… to line up the tip for the bridge to cross the path …


A notch?


No Steve I figured I would leave it like that. Bring your very short locos. (

No. So what is going to happen on the tail of the wye is this. At then end of this wye is the pathway and on the other side of the path is about 30" of raised bed with a double set of tracks. So on the tail of the wye will be a 36" long lifting Howe truss bridge hinged at one side that can be raised to allow you to walk through. When lowered it will attach to a wooden bridge sort of affair over the other two tracks that will have an ice house on the top that the wye track tail will serve. I haven’t worked all that out yet as to how it will be made. For now it will all be temporary stuff to use the RR. The bridge will stay raised to allow easy passsage until someone needs to service the ice house or use the wye for turning the loco.

Finally a chance to run my 0-2-0!

Devon?? During Ops, keep the bridge down, and have everyone that needs to pass, do the ““Limbo Rock””… hehehe (

awesome!!! Cant wait for a chance to come look at your handiwork in person. All the nay sayers get ready for some crow sammiches as Devon is seving them up nice and hot to y’all. D

Devon, within 5 minutes of the golden spike being hammered in place a video should be posted with a date stamp, just to rub it in some more! lol all in fun right?